
Finding Purpose In Life Using Talent and Passion

   Hello! Today we will continue to manifest the life we are destined to live by finding our purpose in life.

Eyvette From My World of Metaphysics

Just to refresh. The last blog we discussed the steps below needed to bring our dreams into reality:

  • Know what you truly want.
  • Believe that you can truly have it as your birth right.
  • Have faith
  • Impregnate it into your subconscious.
  • Take action.
  • Release how it will happen to the Universe.

Before we go any further, I want to speak to you about our dreams and what happiness really is. This is important if we are to reach that point where we actually are completely happy.

What is happiness:    Finding Purpose In Life Using Talent and Passion

Can money lead you to happiness? What about luxury cars and homes? Jewelry? Designer bags?  Well it can make you feel more content in your surroundings and give you more pleasure, but none of these materialistic things can give you complete happiness. You can only find this type of happiness by going within and finding out who you truly are.

Who you truely are!

Yes, we are spiritual beings having a human experience (this is your true essence).  After you take off the clothes of being the wife, teacher, mother or father, who are you? I mean who are you?

As I said in the previous blog. What is it that just makes your heart flutter? That thing  you would do just to be doing, even if you had all the money in the world. Don’t get me wrong, having all the necessary material things while your here makes everything go a little smoother; however, you will never be completely happy until you find you! For some of you it may be raising your children and watch them grow to be productive members of society. That’s good at that moment, but then what?

Let me give you a little hint: IT INVOLVES Finding Purpose In Life Using Talent and PassionSERVICE!

Serving a Cause!

Before you throw your hands up let me explain. This involves everything from wanting to make others laugh, providing therapeutic touch for healing, child care, writing to provide reading material and the list can go on and on. Whatever it is, it balls down to service and how you can affect the world in a small or large way.

You may not reach the Oprah or Bill Gates level (or maybe you will) but in some way our service can make a difference in someone’s life. That child care you provided allowed that struggling mother to work and go back to school which lead to a better job. Those kind words of inspiration you gave to the young adults at the job which motivated them to reach for higher goals. Those feral or stray cats you fed caused them to live without starvation during the winter months.

You see, everything we do individually adds to the big puzzle!

So what is it that gives you that spark in your eyes or makes your heart flutter?  Finding Purpose In Life Using Talent and Passion

Start with your passions and talent. Allow it to grow and all else will fall into place.

Remember it’s through our passions and talents that propel us  (sometimes at a rapid speed) to Self-Actualization. It’s these things that can provide what we need and help us reach that point where we can say “I really did it and made a difference on this Earth.” By using our God’s gifts and passions we can contribute positive attributes to our society and in return affect the entire world. If one person made a difference, imagine the effects of the entire population and how it would effect the world.

What is it you like to do?

What can you do best?

What can you do until 2am while everyone is sleep?

What comes easy to you?

Start here. You will be suprised!

Even having a gift to gab, can set you in the right direction. Creating the job of your dreams. Be creative. The World is Yours!

Finding Purpose In Life Using Talent and Passion

Important! Remember to use your talents and passions to not only to find your purpose in life, but to also make a difference in someone else’s.

Seed of Thought!

You plant the seed of your desire, water it with faith and action and watch our Infinite Intelligence use your gift to propel you forward in ways you could never imagine.    Finding Purpose In Life Using Talent and Passion

This is Eyvette Risher from My World of Metaphysics also known as Loving My Angels

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3 replies
  1. Shara
    Shara says:

    Hey Eyvette, thanks for the article. When taking action to acquire a home that seems out of budget, how do I keep my focus on what I want, the home, and not the how?

    • Eyvette
      Eyvette says:

      Hello Shara. I’ve manifested many times homes out of my budget. Remember it’s the Universe that will get you there. You just need to focus on what you want and take action. Decide what you want. I advise writing it down and taking a good look at it making sure it’s what you want. I wrote out my desires on a small piece of paper and had to rewrite as time went by because I realized something was missing. When you are ready to get that home take action. I mean go around and look at different properties. Never jump into anything. Just know what you can afford and put out there what you want. Concentrate on that. I’m currently in a home I saw 1 1/2 before I purchased it. I was just (window shopping for the fun). It was out of my budget but one day while looking things fell into place. The price was dropped because they wanted more sales. They even offered a 10K concession. It was 20K but I missed that by 1 month. I believe even down to the banker was directed by the infinite. I hope I answered your question. Best luck. Namaste.

      • Eyvette
        Eyvette says:

        Remember never rush into anything. Real estate involves a lot of money and you need to protect yourself. Listen to the intuition and know what you can afford. Let the price of the house and mortgage come down to you and not vise versa. Take your time. You never know what God have planned. Just give it time.

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