Higher Source, Infinite Intelligence, God, Supreme Being

]God within

The God Within

The biggest secret within the World of the elite is knowing that The God Within is where all supply comes from. So if you just trust these words “The God Within” you would excelled and bypassed most people residing on this Earth and opened up doorways that have never been opened before.

The God Within is where I put all my trust and  it has led me to the abundance thus far that I have accumulated. If I had to teach or give any of the children coming up (our next generation) I would embed in their minds that The God Within is all that they need to have faith in to create the life they desire.

Where Is Actually This God

The God Within

The Infinite Intelligence (God) is “Within You” and I mean each and every one of us. This maybe a contradiction from what you have been taught all your life, but this is a new age and we must move on from the Vengeful God in the Sky.

In the Gospel of Thomas (lost scribes not included in our present day Bible) Jesus said, “If your leaders say to you, ‘Look, the (Father’s) kingdom is in the sky,’ then the birds of the sky will procede you. If they say to you, ‘It is in the sea,’ then the fish will precede you. Rather, the (Father’s) kingdom is within you and it is outside you.”

The Gospel of Thomas is one truth held from the everyday people. You see God and Heaven is everywhere. God is everywhere. There is nothing that exist outside of God. This means God is in you and you are in God. Which leads us to all being one.

Faith In The God Within Leads to Confidence

God within

You are a powerful being. Each and every one of us are powerful and have the birthright and ability to create the life we desire.  How would you react or live if you knew God was within? Would you walk with confidence knowing that all is yours or would you settle for less or suffer throughout your life trying to obtain the desires you pursue? Most likely you would walk with confidence. I know I would!

How Do You Connect with The God Within?

God is Omnipotent, Omniscience and Omnipresent. That’s all you need to know. As a child I use to say how is it that God knows everything and is everywhere? It wasn’t until I found the truth that I realized how this is possible. It now makes sense. If the Supreme Being is within all and everything exist within God then nothing can exist without and there could be no other explanation of God’s awareness. This was that AHA moment.

If God is within, how do you connect to it? The only way is to go within. Through meditation and quieting the mind! I no longer believe in praying and begging for an external God in the sky to help me, but I do believe in my birthright and my ability to create the life that I deserve through meditating, visualization and affirmations.

I strive to come into an agreement between my two selves (my conscious and subconscious mind) to manifest the things I want in my life. Universal Laws (the Laws of God) were placed here for our growth and creating ability. Understanding my connection with God and how to utilize my subconscious is my only truth.

God Within

Where do We Go From Here?

Read books on the subconscious mind as the inner instrument used to connect to source. As for me, I speak to the Supreme Being within everyday. I spend my quiet time speaking to my Source as if it was standing in front of me.

I now walk with confidence knowing that I was born with everything needed to create the life that I desire.  I have discovered the truth that I am One with the God Within and I know with certainty that there is nothing stopping me but….ME!

God Within

This is Eyvette bringing you nothing but the truth. Together we can each learn and pass this knowledge and all other metaphysical knowledge to others to make this world a better place. Namaste.

Eyvette: Law of Attraction Counsultant

Eyvette’s best picks on “The God Within”

  1. The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes
  2. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy
  3. The Prospering Power of Prayer by Catherine Ponder
  4. Creative Mind by Ernest Holmes
  5. The Power of Imagination by Neville Goddard

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