Cinnamon and Sea Salt Hand Wash

Hey everyone, it’s Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics, and I’m excited to share a simple ritual with you today that can bring money abundance into your home using sea salt and cinnamon.

I’m known as the Cinnamon Queen when it comes to rituals, so let me show you how combining cinnamon and sea salt can usher in abundance. But before you dive in, understand the power behind this practice.

How Does It Work?

Cinnamon attracts abundance, whether it’s money or opportunities, while sea salt clears out negativity. By combining the two using the Feng Shui method, you can cleanse your energy around money and abunance and invite prosperity into your life.


At the beginning of each month or any time you desire more money or abundance, consider washing your hands with sea salt a day or two before washing your hands with cinnamon. This simple act sets your intent for banishing negativity while welcoming in abundance. You can also wash your hands with sea salt right before washing it with Cinnamon the same day. Whatever makes it easier for you. Some prefer to do it the same day.

Here's a tip for you

Remember to set your intentions as you wash your hands – whether it’s for money, opportunities or both.

While washing your hands with the seas salt state that you are cleansing away negativity around you and money. Then state an intent for attracting money while washing your hands with the cinnamon.

Here's an example of setting your intent

washing hands

“As I wash my hands with Sea Salt I am cleansing away any negativity bewteen me, money or abundance. “

“As I wash my hands with cinnamon I am setting the intent to bless my life with abundance in expected and unexpected ways for the good of everyone involved.

Try to do this ritual for atleast 1 minute to really impregnant it into your subconscious mind for manifestation. 

When can I do this ritual?

This ritual can be done on days for money and abundance manifestation like Thursdays and Sundays, or Saturdays the day we release negative energies that may be around us. My best day to do this is at the beginning of the month or the 1st day of the month. Remember you can do this at any time but these are powerful days of money manifestation. 

washing hands


So completing a cinnamon and sea salt hand wash at the beginning of the month is one powerful way to manifest abundance in your life. Remember to set the intent while doing it and take action so the Universe can work through you to bring about your desires.

So why not give it a try and remember it’s your belief that will get you there! Blessings to you all! Eyvette

how I manifested 22000 using mirror work
how I manifested $22000 using mirror work

Why this mirror work article different?

Hey there! Let’s chat about how I use mirror work to manifest money. Now, you might be thinking, “Eyvette, there are tons of information about manifesting money and mirror work – what makes yours stand out?” Well, here’s the deal: I keep it real and help folks like you achieve their dreams and live their best lives.

So hang tight, let me tell you. In one of my older YouTube videos, I revealed something big – like receiving a $22,000 check. Yup, you heard that right! But how did this unexpected windfall happen?

How it happen?

It all started with some self-reflection and MIRROR WORK (based on Louise Hay “Mirror Work” book). I realized that sometimes we all feel like something is missing or blocking us from our goals. So, I dove into mirror work, talking to myself in the mirror each day with statements of self-love, deservingness and release of the past.

louise hay mirror work

Then What Happened and what did you do?

And guess what? Within weeks, I received a $22k check out of the blue. It wasn’t a mistake or extra service payment – it was unexpected retro pay. The key to this manifestation was self-reflection and aligning with abundance through daily mirror work and release.

Now you’re probably wondering what I exactly did to open the doors to receiving this money. Well, let me break it down for you. First and foremost, I didn’t know or expected to receive money. I just knew I was feeling stuck and needed to release and let go so I could move on in life. I focused on releasing any negative thoughts or beliefs about person or situation in my life (including me).

The secret to mirror work

But the most important thing I did was practice gratitude every single day. I expressed gratitude for what I had, even if it wasn’t much at the time. I forgave myself for anything that was not in alignment with who I am including any mistakes I may have made in the past. I also forgave others that I thought wronged me, because everything starts from within and I realized that I attracted the situation someway, somehow.

Every morning or night before bed I looked in my eyes in the mirror and spoke to my higher self the true me. I stated that “I release and set us free from my mistakes that lead to anything negative I was experiencing”. I said I was sorry and it was time to move on. Before I knew it, I received a check for $22,000 in the mail a few days later. It was unexpected and I was grateful because I knew it was being held off until I released the barrior that was holding my good from me and that was forgiveness and release.


mirror work

As a friendly reminder, you deserve all the good things life has in store for you. Take a moment to express gratitude and let go of any negativity. Look yourself in the eyes and release any baggage weighing you down. Get ready to witness amazing things happen! By releasing what no longer serves you in the mirror, you create space for abundance to flow into your life. Whether it’s financial gain, career success, improved health, or whatever else you’ve been wishing for, trust that it’s on its way. Thank yourself and the Universe for always having your back and enjoy life.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. You will thank me one day as the doors open for you using this technique. Blessings to you and Namaste. Eyvette of My World of Metaphysics

law of attraction coaching
Are You Waking Up Between 3am and 5am ?
Are You Waking Up Between 3am and 5am ?

Wondering Why You're Waking Up between 3-5am?

Hey there, it’s Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics! Are you curious about why you keep waking up between three and five in the morning? Well, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, I’ll not only explain why this is happening but also give you some tips on what to do about it.

If you want a clear understanding of this phenomenon, read till the end because I always go the extra mile to help you with your manifestations and spiritual work. But first, if you’re new here, welcome to My World of Metaphysics Blog that brings life-changing information.


What we are not talking about

Before we get started, let’s clarify that we’re not talking about general sleep issues, work hours, or waking up at random times like 12:01 because you went to bed super early. We’re specifically addressing those early hours between 3am – 5am.

If these mysterious wake-up calls are bothering you or keeping you up at night, it could be due to various factors like indigestion, anxiety, or worries about your past or future. But when it comes to waking up between three and five, trust me—there can be a spiritual reason.


Why between 3am-5am

Between three and five in the morning is when things get real quiet both outside and within yourself. This tranquility creates an ideal environment for receiving messages from higher realms. Your conscious mind isn’t fully alert yet, so there’s less interference blocking these messages from coming through.

During these sacred hours, answers to your burning questions may surface, guiding you on your journey ahead. Pay attention to any dreams you had before waking up during your REM sleep—they could contain vital messages for your soul.

If you’re seeking guidance or inspiration from the Universe during this time frame, be open to receiving valuable insights that might steer your life in a new direction. Remember—there are no coincidences in this world; everything happens for a reason

no coincidences

What to do?

So how can YOU make the most of waking up between three and five? Start by lying still upon awakening and trying to recall any dreams or messages that came through during your slumber. Keep a dream journal by your bedside to jot down any insights before they slip away.

The Universe may be nudging you to wake up at this hour with a purpose in mind—whether it’s writing a book or starting a business—listen closely to these divine messages or gut feelings. This is also a great time to pay attention to the time on the clock (3:33 or 4:44). For the spiritual world or your higher-self may send messages through numbers or sound.

Example Angel number 444 could be a message of support, guidance or to stay balanced. 333 angel number could mean to stay in alignment or that the ascended masters are supporting you like Jesus or Allah. Lets say you wake up and see 3:45 for a few nights. There is a message (You need to stay in alignment. The ascended masters and your angels are with you during this time of change).

I just love waking up at these times. I want to know the message. What’s ahead. Should I engage in meditation more? Get in better alignment? Are my angels there for me at this time? OMG! Give me more. I hear you Universe!

waking up between 3 and 5am

Embrace this magical time window as an opportunity for growth and transformation and watch your life change. The more you pay attention the more you will receive.


In conclusion, don’t overlook those early morning wake-up calls—they might just hold the key to unlocking your true potential! Pay attention to the time, what you hear, see and especially those dreams right before waking up. If you don’t notice anything, then take some time to plan your life or indulge in that book or business that you have put off for so long. All of these are signs to do something.

I hope this helps.  Namaste! Eyvette

Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics

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Law of Attraction before going to bed
Law of Attraction before going to bed (1)

Law of Attraction: Do This Before Going To Bed

Let's Start

Hey there, lovely souls! It’s Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics, back again to dive into the magical world of manifesting our desires. I promised you we would work on this together, and here I am, ready to embark on a journey of transformation and abundance with you. Today, I want to share some powerful information that will help you manifest your dreams and create the life you truly deserve. So, grab a cup of tea, get cozy, and let’s dive in.

The Power of Scripting

Let’s talk about the power of writing down your desires. Have you ever noticed how writing something out can make it feel more real and tangible? There is something incredibly powerful about putting pen to paper and declaring what you want. When you write down your desires as affirmations or a quote, it’s like sending a message out into the universe that says, “This is what I desire, and I believe it is already mine.” 

Writing Before Bed

Now remember how we talked about writing down your desires on paper and reading them three times? Well, writing them out is key – it sends your intentions out into the universe. So, write them as if you already have what you desire. Thank the universe for it, visualize it, feel it – make it real in your mind. Then repeat this throughout your day, especially before bed when your subconscious is most impressionable. This is the time to lullaby yourself to sleep with what you have written to set your intentions for manifesting your dreams. And hey, don’t be surprised if you receive guidance in your dreams – that’s your inner self helping you out!



As a tip: Visualization is another key component of manifestation. Close your eyes and see yourself having what you desire. Feel the emotions that come with having achieved your goals – joy, gratitude, fulfillment. Visualize every detail vividly – the sights, sounds, smells. By engaging all your senses in this process, you are aligning yourself with the energy of your desires and attracting them into your reality.


Using Crystals

You can enhance this process by placing crystals under your pillow (like crystal quartz, Angelite, Amethyst) to stimulate your mind and receive clearer answers. Keep your intentions short and sweet, and watch as your desires start coming true. 


Overall, incorporating the Law of Attraction into your nightly routine can have a powerful impact on manifesting your desires. By writing out what you want and reading and seeing yourself with it before sleep, you are setting a clear intention and directing your energy towards what you want to attract into your life. This simple yet effective practice can help align your thoughts and actions with the universe’s energy and bring about positive changes in your life. So tonight, why not try incorporating this technique into your bedtime routine and see the amazing results it can bring? Remember, you have the power to manifest all that you desire, so start using the Law of Attraction before sleep and watch as miracles unfold in your life. Sweet dreams!  Eyvette

Law of Attraction before going to bed (1)
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Hey there, it’s Eyvette from the My World of Metaphysics! If you’re struggling to attract or manifest something into your life, you’re in the right place. Today, I’ll share a simple manifesting technique that can open doors to your desires by writing something 100 times for manifestation.

Who am I?

If you’re new, welcome to My World of Metaphysics where I share metaphysical knowledge and manifesting techniques. Don’t forget to subscribe, and keep a look out for more releases. Now, let’s dive into this secret technique.


Write It 100x

The key is writing your desire out 100 times. This impregnate your wish into your subconscious mind where it works with the Universe to create it into your reality. First, find quiet time, grab a journal or piece of paper, and write a short phrase of what you desire repeatedly 100 times. It can be the perfect career, perfect health, perfect love or a certain amount of money. Whatever it is you desire, but I want you to keep it short.

Why keep it short? It’s because you’re going to write it 100 times and if you’re writing a long phrase 100 times you’re going to lose focus. You’re thoughts are going to drift and start thinking negative thoughts, which will attract that in to your life. Believe me you will!

scripting technique

Setting an intent in your mind before writing helps you focus on what you want as if it’s already yours. Visualize yourself having it 1st then come up with a simple affirmation or statement that describes it. ” Thank you Universe for I am a millionaire.”

TIP: Verbally speak it while you are writing then end by stating a grateful prayer to the Universe like “Thank you God for blessing me. I know whatever it is that’s manifesting is already mine and comes through you.” You have set the intent with your creator and acknowledged there’s a higher source that is blessing you. Expressing GRATITUDE!

Place it under your pillow

Now what are you going to do with the paper? You are going to place it under your pillow and sleep on it. Let it be the last thing your conscious mind relays to your subconscious mind before sleep. This is the best time to give your subjective mind a command or an intent of your desire. 

write 7 times and put under pillow


So, give this write it 100x technique a try and see how it can transform your life. Thank you for being here on this journey of growth and transformation with me! Namaste!  Eyvette

The secret is to keep your thoughts and feeling positive. Keep your energy up and be open to receiving what is already meant for you. That is all there is to it. The only thing you have to do is set the intent by writing it 100x’s, visualize it and put it under your pillow before sleep. The last tip is to TAKE ACTION IN THE DIRECTION OF YOUR DESIRE!

Namaste Eyvette

222 Portal
222 Portal

222 Portal

Are you ready to manifest your dreams into reality? The universe is aligning to bring you the opportunity of a lifetime with the upcoming 222 portal. This powerful energy shift is set to occur on February 22nd, 2022 and will provide a unique chance for spiritualists, numerologists, and manifestors alike to harness the power of manifestation like never before. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into what the 222 portal is all about, how it can benefit you in your manifestation journey, and what steps you can take to prepare for this life-changing event.

What is the 222 Portal?

The 222 portal is a cosmic alignment that occurs every year on February 22nd. This year’s portal is especially significant because it falls on the date 2/22/2024. The 2 is an Angel number representing balance, harmony, alignment and forward movement. The 2024 also breaks down to 8 (2+0+2+4) which sets the intent for abundance in all ways for the entire year. This February 22, the universe is more receptive to our intentions and desires, making it easier for us to manifest our dreams into reality.

scripting technique

What to do?

But before you start manifesting like crazy on February 22nd, there are some steps you can take to prepare for this event. One important step is setting clear intentions ahead of time. Take some time leading up to the portal date to reflect on what you truly want out of life and write down specific goals or desires you wish to manifest. The more specific and focused your intentions are, the easier it will be for the universe to bring them into fruition.

Gratitude during 222 Portal

Another way to prepare is by practicing gratitude. Gratitude is a powerful practice that helps us focus on what we already have in our lives, rather than what we lack. When we cultivate a sense of gratitude, we attract more abundance into our lives – making it easier for us to manifest our desires. Take some time each day leading up to the portal date to reflect on what you’re grateful for in your life.

369 manifestation journal website picture

Questions to ask yourself at this time.

Here are some questions to ask yourself then take action:

  1. What it is that I truly desire for myself?
  2. What would put me into alignment with who I am?
  3. What action steps can I take right now using wise decisions?
  4. If I feel stuck, how do i feel about my past and present steps I’ve taken and what adjustments can I make to get myself on the right track?

Tools to use for further enhance your manifestation.

Finally, consider using tools like crystal gemstones to carry or wear, scripting to set your intent or magnify your desires is something you should consider. Crystals like citrine, pyrite, tiger’s eye and red jasper are known for their manifestation properties and can help the energy surrounding you at this moment. Seeking guidance from your spiritual guides and angels is also strong at this time represented by the number 4 (in 2024).


portal 222

The 222 portal is a powerful cosmic event that provides spiritualists, and manifestors alike with a unique opportunity to harness the power of manifestation like never before. By setting clear intentions ahead of time you can make the most out of this life-changing event. Remember that thoughts become things – so use this time wisely to focus your thoughts on what you truly desire in life. Happy manifesting!



What is the Lunar New Year?

Hey everyone, it’s Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics. Happy Lunar New Year! Today marks the start of the Day of the Dragon, and if you’re wondering how to manifest happiness, love, prosperity, and better health during this time, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, I’ll share simple rituals that can bring you a prosperous year.

How can the Lunar New Year help you?

Now let’s talk about the Lunar New Year, also known as the Year of the Dragon. You might be wondering what it is and how you can tap into its energy to manifest abundance in your life. Well, the Chinese New Year is celebrated based on the lunar calendar and it brings prosperity, abundance, well-being, and happiness for many people who honor this year. It occurs every 12 years and the last one was in 2012. This year represents wealth and abundance for the Asian community but it actually affects all of us because we’re all connected.

Year of the Dragon

When I think of the dragon energy associated with this year, I envision forceful protection and everything red. The Chinese New Year is represented by red, gold, and black colors. Red symbolizes passion and movement while gold represents abundance. Black signifies protection and strength. These colors hold significant power during this lunar year as they align with manifestation.

Lunar New Year Rituals

369 manifestation journal website picture

Moving forward into the new moon phase, use this time to set intentions and visualize what you want to manifest. Affirmations, visualization and scripting would be the go to for solidifying your desires. Additionally, wear red, gold, and black clothes or accessories to align with the energy of prosperity and power. Continue this as we change moon phases and enter into the waxing moon where intentions start to grow.

As we delve deeper into 2024 which breaks down to number eight (representing abundance), we are surrounded by nothing but prosperity opportunities. So what can you do during this time? First off, take advantage of the waning moon phase right before Lunar New Year to release anything that no longer serves you. Clean your house or do some sage cleansing to prepare for a fresh start. If you missed the waning moon for releasing, don’t worry (do it now)!

Ritual Products for the Lunar Moon

If you’re into symbolic items, I offer dragon-related products like Dragon Blood incense and oil in my shop. These items are not only protective but can also assist in manifesting money, wealth, security, and well-being. You can also light red or gold candles to bring in the energy of prosperity or continue using your manifestation technique like the 369 scripting or the “It Works” scripting technique.

Dragon Blood Candle
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Dragon Writing Kit
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Dragon Blood Candle
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To sum it up, during the Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year, set your intent through visualization, affirmation, scripting, while letting go of what no longer serves you. Wear red and other associated colors to tap into prosperous energy. Consider incorporating dragon-related symbols for protection and manifestation. Remember, it’s all about yourself and your intentions.

As additional information for this time: It is also a great time to bring in abundance in many way and I am referring to family and friends. This is a great time to reach out to those you love whether you ended the relationship GOOD OR BAD. This is a time of togetherness and love. This means more than any material possession. Remember that!

Once again, this is Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics. Happy Lunar New Year!

WRITE Your Desire 7 times and Put UNDER PILLOW
WRITE Your Desire 7 times and Put UNDER PILLOW


Manifestation Ritual

Are you looking for a powerful scripting ritual for the New Year using the Law of Attraction? Look no further! I’m Eyvette, and today I’m here to share with you one of the most effective manifestation techniques out there. It’s simple, yet powerful – all you need is a pen, paper, and an open mind.

By writing your desires seven times and placing them under your pillow, you’re telling your subconscious mind what you want and allowing it to work its magic while you sleep. It’s Universal law at its finest.

But before we dive into how to do this SCRIPTING technique properly, let’s take a moment to understand why it works.

Write 7 Times & Put Under Your Pillow

Why Does It Work?

When we write something repeatedly, we’re essentially telling our subconscious mind that this is important to us. We’re training our minds to focus on these desires, which in turn sends out vibrations into the Universe that attract those desires back to us. It’s like planting seeds in a garden – the more attention and care we give them, the more likely they are to grow.

How To Start?

So how can we apply this technique  in a ritual for manifestation? First things first – get yourself a pen and paper. You can use any type of paper or notebook; personally, I prefer using a journal specifically designated for my manifestations. Next, choose a desire that you want to manifest in your life. This could be anything from financial abundance to finding love or even better health.

write 7 times and put under pillow

Write 7 Times and Put Under Pillow Ritual:

Now comes the fun part – write down your desire seven times as if it has already happened. For example, if your desire is financial abundance, write something like “I am grateful for the abundant wealth flowing into my life”. Repeat this sentence six more times until you have written it seven times total. I then want you to read what you have written. This would be reading your statement 7xs because you wrote it 7 times.

Once you’ve written down your desire seven times and read it, then place it under your pillow. As you sleep, your subconscious mind will absorb these desires and send out vibrations into the Universe to attract them back to you.

369 manifestation Journal by Eyvette Risher
Buy #1 Scripting Journal


While you are reading what you wrote try to visualize yourself having your desired outcome. This will further implant in your subconscious mind that this is already your reality and it will give you more of what you are showing it.

Final Instructions:

Remember, manifestation isn’t just about writing down your desires and waiting for them to come true. It’s also about taking inspired action towards those desires. This could mean staying open to opportunities that come your way or taking steps towards achieving those goals. Remember to also release and let go of the WHEN, WHERE AND HOW. Trust in the UNIVERSE  this is where everything is created. 

scripting technique

The next day you can repeat the entire ritual on the same paper or a new piece of paper (like a journal / notebook) or you can read again what you wrote the night before and see yourself as having it. Do this for at least 7 days or 28-30 days. Remember 28-30 days is the ideal time frame to really change a belief and your subconscious mind programming.


The power of manifestation is truly amazing. By writing down a desire seven times and placing it under our pillow, we’re telling our subconscious minds what you want and allowing the Universe to work its magic. But it doesn’t end there – it’s important to take inspired action towards those desires as well. So grab a pen and paper and start manifesting your dreams into reality today! NAMASTE! Eyvette

My World of Metaphysics

Is a Metaphysical Life Coaching platform that give Law of Attraction, manifesting techniques, rituals, and many other new Age information that is life changing. Don’t forget to subscribe for more posts, videos and discounts.

BLOW CINNAMON IN DOOR 1st Day Of Month Money Manifestation
BLOW CINNAMON IN DOOR 1st Day Of Month Money Manifestation

CINNAMON RITUAL: Blow Cinnamon 1st Day of the Month


Hello and welcome to My World of Metaphysics. Today, I want to talk to you about a simple yet powerful technique that can help you usher in abundance and attract money into your life. It’s called the Cinnamon Technique, and if you’ve been curious about the BLOW CINNAMON 1ST DAY OF MONTH ritual, you’re in the right place.

For those who may be new to MY WORLD OF METAPHYSICS this is a Metaphysical Law of Attraction Life Coaching website that provides manifesting techniques and rituals in various forms. So, let’s dive right into the cinnamon technique.


Cinnamon Technique:

The cinnamon technique is a simple and easy way to bring abundance and prosperity into your life. All you need is some cinnamon, which you probably already have in your kitchen cabinet. On the first day of the month, take a pinch of cinnamon and blow it into your home through the front door. You will need to do this outside facing towards your open door. Important! You need to set the intention while doing so with an affirmation or statement like:

As I blow this cinnamon in my home, large sums of money comes to me now! As I blow this cinnamon in my home, money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways for the good of all! ” That’s it! It’s that simple.


After blowing the small amount of cinnamon in your home, leave it there for a day or two then sweep it up. I use such a small amount that I just leave it there and it goes unnoticed.

Now, some of you may be wondering why cinnamon is used for this technique. Cinnamon is believed to have powerful metaphysical properties that are associated with prosperity, abundance, and success. By blowing cinnamon into your home, you are inviting these energies into your life and attracting them towards you.

It’s important to note that you can do this technique at any time of the day, but it’s best to do it early in the morning when the energies of the day are fresh. If you forget to do it on the first day of the month, no worries. You can do it on the second or third day as well.

Many people who have tried this technique have reported positive results. They have noticed an increase in their financial abundance, job opportunities, and overall success. However, it’s important to note that this technique is not a magic wand. It requires consistent effort and positive thinking to manifest the desired results.


The cinnamon technique is a simple and effective way to invite abundance and prosperity into your life. By blowing cinnamon into your home on the first day of the month, you are opening the doors to success and attracting positive energies towards you. Remember, this technique requires consistent effort and positive thinking to manifest the desired results. Give it a try, and let me know how it works for you. Don’t Forget to Subscribe to our NEWSLETTER! Thank you for reading.

how to calculate destiny number

Have you ever wondered if your name has any hidden significance in your life? Well, it does! In numerology, your name is believed to hold a secret meaning known as your Destiny Number. In this blog post, I will guide you through the process of calculating your Destiny Number and help you uncover the secrets hidden in your name.