
Aligning Conscious with Subconscious Mind To Get What You Desire.

Since the Secret, the Law of Attraction has spread like wild flowers. Everyone wants to know how it works and if it really does? Some say “Yes” and others say “No”. Some say they have manifested small things , others have not come true and at times the situation may have worsened. I have a YouTube video on this topic titled the “Law of Attraction: Can Go Wrong” and Law of Attraction: Aligning the Subconscious with the Conscious”. You can find these and other videos under Loving My Angels. Now lets continue with the topic. First you must know that we are manifesting using the Law of Attraction every moment that you are awake and thinking if you like it or not. During your sleep your subconscious is making sense of your day and thinking, communicating with you (if you remember or not) and guiding you towards your desires. This is why I am a big believer in dream interpretation and setting tasks for the subconscious prior to sleep..

Lets make this simple for your understanding using the Genie. The only difference is that you have an unlimited amount of wishes at your disposal. The person given the gift of wishes is your conscious and you are the controller of what you wish for. The lamp is the vehicle to send the message to the genie and will act as your brain or thoughts. Last but not least the Genie will be your subconscious connected to the Infinite Intelligence/God and will give you what you desire. Are you starting to understand? Example: You say “I want that house”. You keep thinking about that house (the lamp represents your thinking and your mind) . There are a set of different out comes that may happen:

#1 Nothing .


You get the attention of you subconscious (repetition, desire and feeling) then the Genie appears and say ” Your wish is my command”.

Now you have a set of outcomes:

#2 You get your home without complications and you are happy for as long as you are there.

#3 Your receive the house of your desires with headaches due to problems

#4 You don’t get the home and now you have to move from your current residence

Why so many possible outcomes?

Well lets step back to the wish.

Manifesting what you want is a skill and an art. You can’t just say I want it and it appears. The subconscious is very selective in what it allows in from the conscious level. Well how do the message get there? Usually repetition and feelings is how it gets to penetrate through to the subconscious.  Your conscious and subconscious have to work together to manifest your desires. You can say I want that house a thousand times but if you have feelings of doubt in you mind that has already been accepted by your subconscious you will not manifest. You will need to release the opposing idea before the latter can become accepted and open the door way to that desire. In this case most likely nothing will happen and it will just be blocked by the subconscious or you may manifest the opposite as in the case where you loss you current home. In your mind the conscious is hearing ” I want that house” but the subconscious is hearing your doubts of ” I can’t have that home” and has accepted that belief due to the strong feelings of lack.

The Genie finally gives you your desire and you manifest on the material level what you don’t want and that is ” I can’t have that home”. Well it’s what you actually did want by thinking it multiple time. By doing so you have subconsciously accepted that as your belief on an unconscious level. Believe me it happened to me in 2015 when I was trying to manifest some money and ended up losing a lot of money until I completed that karma. I knew I manifested it because it was hitting me from all angles at the same time when I expected my desires to come into reality. I had to change my thinking and allow it to ride out which was very costly.

Now what if you did receive the home of your desire. It may be the home you want to live in for the rest of your life. Good. You did it! You can also receive it and find problems. This happens a lot and I believe this is the most common outcome in some way or form. Remember when deliberate creating you must tell your subconscious what you want. Lets say your using visualization or writing down your desires (which I recommend) be specific. Imagine your neighbors, the grass, the mortgage, the closing, the utilities as you wish it to be. This is why I like to write it down first and get an idea of what I truly want. You can always start over but by looking at what you are requesting you can make changes then use that as a template to create your visualizations. Remember if there is doubt. Work on that first. Ask yourself why do I have doubt? What monthly payment would work for me so I’m comfortable? Manifest the house you want at a price you can afford. You don’t want to get something and later find out you can’t afford it, so focus on a price you can afford. I did that with my home. The price came down plus I was given a 10K buyers concession. What wonders the Universe can do. It will get you there and knows how to do it. Also important, you want to make sure anything and everything you create using the law of attraction is done for the good of everyone involved. We don’t need to obtain property from a death or obtain the money through an injury. We want everything to flow. Now don’t get me wrong. You can manifest your desires and create the life you have always wanted, but I’m just guiding you and assisting in avoiding potential problems. By knowing this you are steps ahead of the others.  So happy creating.

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AKA Loving My Angels