manifest Your Dreams into Reality

How To Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality

How To Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality is a question many people ask for those that are searching. I was one of those looking for the answers many years ago until I found what I sought after and continue today to build upon that knowledge. You see, even -though I manifested a lot of my desires and still continue to do so, I look back on my life and realize now, how many things became physical in my life. Some of these things or conditions were positive, but like many of you, many were negative. If I only knew what I know now! I can’t go back, but now I use this knowledge to move forward and help others that are willing to listen, get over that hurdle in life that seem to plague most of us and that is Negative Experiences.

So How To Manifest Your Dreams into Reality?

One thing is to stop all the negative thinking and replace it with JOY, EXCITEMENT, CONTENTMENT, HAPPINESS, FUN etc. You see there is a big secret that is found only by those that seek it and it is “YOU ARE A CREATOR!” This is what separates us from the other species that inhabit this planet. You will not find this information in the schools but many people of influence follow it. If you only knew who you truly are, your World would be different. Let me stop here! Your probably staying ” What about you? Why aren’t you a millionaire?” Success is different for everyone. The house wife is successful if she is happy at what she is doing. The rich actress may be unsuccessful because she is lonely and drinks her life away behind closed doors. Success is what you make it.

Now What About Me?

I am on my own path, but want to assure you that I have accomplished many things throughout my life and at that time it was the best for me. I’ve always reached for my desires, thinking outside the box and did what most would fear to do.  I now find myself on another path. A path of Enlightenment, and even-though it’s a new endeavor with challenges utilizing Websites, Social Media and YouTube, I move boldly forward building my knowledge to conquer every huddle  that I find in my path. You see, I know who I am and boldly I move towards the light that the Supreme Being has laid in front of me to guide me when needing direction.

Remember these quotes:

(Matthews 7:7). Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. These quotes from the Bible are so true and very much misunderstood. I choose to seek that which I need (health, wealth, success and happiness) from within. This is where I find my supply and happiness and you would find it too if you open yourself up to that which is different. I’m not saying not to do your own home work and find what’s best for you, but I am saying everything that one say may not be true or misunderstood. Only you can say what works for you.

Life's Path

So where do we go from here? How do you manifest your dreams into reality?

1. Know who you are.

You are a child of God. The Prince and Princess with the birthright of a King. If you were of Royalty, how would you pursue your dreams? I believe with boldness, so you just have to know it and move forward in confidence.

2. Know what you truly want.

Do not confuse yourself or the Universe. You will not manifest what you want.

3. Write down what you want in the present tense and change it if needed.

By writing your desires down. You will find out that somethings need to be altered and that OK. It also helps to keep you focused on the same desire and which may change if you are saying it from memory.

4. Read or speak what you want at least 3 times daily.

Especially if you have doubt in your mind. Speak it in present tense as if it has already been done and given. This is an Affirmation or a kind of Spiritual Mind treatment.

5. Remember as deliberate creators we only focus on what we want and believe that it is here now.

Once we speak it it is already created in the spiritual realm and it’s up to you if it will manifest in the physical.

6. Keep your desires to yourself.

You already have to deal with your own doubts and insecurities. you don’t need others opinions, comments, disbelief and/or jealousy to deal with on top of that. Remember all you take in verbally, written, sensing from other vibes are affirmations in the negative that can block your manifestation. When you obtain what you are desiring then tell and be a light for others.

7. Visualized your desires at the end result. Not how your going to get there.

You can’t tell or direct the Universe how to make you dreams come true. If you do, your closing the doors that the universe may take you through to get to where you want to go. Please see my blog and YouTube channel on Visualization. You can access the blog on this site (under law of Attraction blogs and you can be redirected to my YouTube channel by clicking the icon above or at the bottom of any page on the website.

8. Take action and watch for clues.

You may meet new people or have phone calls that lead you to new opportunities. You may not have to do anything if your manifesting abilities is that good, but for most of us we have to take action. Hand in your resume, take a class or go house hunting. please watch my you Tube video on “How I manifested my town house.”

9. Have Fun.

Yes keep your vibration high to manifest only good into your life. remember if you sad, full of fear, worry. You will attract that into your life. your subconscious only knows “Your wish is your command”. Enjoy life, no matter what you do or don’t have. I tell people to take a reality inventory and know there are people out there in a worse situation that you are.

10. Gratitude:

Bless each day for what is and remember that this is the day that the Lord has made. You woke up and that is enough to jump for joy! 

law of Attraction: success

Well that is it! Until next time. This is Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics bring you another Law of Attraction Lesson to assist in making your dreams come true.  This lesson is on “How to Manifest Your Dreams Into Reality”

I hope you enjoyed!  Namaste!

Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics

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