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Law of Attraction: Keeping Your Goals To Yourself

Deliberate Creating: Thoughts Become Things

Thoughts Become Things


Law of Attraction: Keeping Your Goals To Yourself

Hello followers. Today I want to speak to all those out there that are making plans and creating the life you deserve to have about the law of Attraction and Keeping Your Goals to Yourself. If you follow me on Youtube and my Blog and seen my Law of Attraction Tips you may already know what I’m going to tell you right now. Well here it goes again, “KEEP YOUR GOALS TO YOURSELF!” I can’t say this enough! Don’t worry if you have, because I have been there myself. We are moving forward and I want to tell you to stay focused and to be a deliberate creator we must stay focused. There are many reasons for keeping your goals to yourself and here are a few:


Law of Attraction: Indecisive and Doubt


* Doubt:

We all have doubt at sometime or another. It is already difficult for us to build the confident we need to get out there and create change. By telling someone your goals you are opening yourself up to the negative thoughts or comments from the one you’re revealing your plans too. This will increase your doubt on a subconscious level due to the fact that someone else is validating your deeper feelings and beliefs or creating new ones. That doubt will cause a delay in your manifestations and if not cause you to quit.


Law of Attraction: Vibration

* Energy Release:

If you believe it or not, by speaking or letting out your plans or goals you are letting out energy. Have you ever had something on your mind and when you let it out you became calmer. Well this is similar to releasing energy when you speak about your plans. There have been studies conducted that proved that those who spoke about their plans finished slower or may not have finished at all when compared to their counter parts that keep their plans to themselves. For some reason when one speaks of their plans it’s almost like the mind perceives that the task is completed which builds up a feeling of relief and a decrease in enthusiasm. You need to keep your energy for your project(s), to maintain the motivation required to complete the task. So guard your thoughts and words.

* Naysayers:

This is similar to Doubt but completely coming from the one you are speaking with. The difference is that Doubt may come from within you or from another as they try to save you from disappointment or failure (no such thing), but the Naysayer is just negative. This type of person kills your dreams and at times say they wish you the best but on a subconscious level prefer for you to stay where you are as they are. They would rather for it to be them if they thought it was possible and would sabotage your idea with negative thoughts or they may even try to beat you at it (not knowing that the Infinite Intelligence have ways for all of us to express our ideas in our own way if they just took the time to find it.) Back to the Naysayers, You can call it jealousy or envy, either way you do not want it or it’s negative vibes near your creative ideas or again it will slow you down, cause procrastination or lead to you quitting. Good bye to the Naysayers and lets keep climbing towards our goals.

Well when is a good time to let others know?

From day one you could express yourself to ones that will support and encourage you. Remember I would keep this to a bare minimal. Not everyone is motivated and take action on their inspirations, so how can they help you. We are all vibrating spiritual beings and I believe we have enough of our subconscious beliefs to deal with before incorporating other people beliefs, doubts and fear into our lives. Once your project is off and running, feel free to tell and promote your project. By then you will have developed the confidence and the assurance that what you plan to create is already here (not only in spiritual but in physical form.)


Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics: Law of Attraction Blog


 As for myself:

I have been studying Metaphysics, Universal Laws and the Unknown for many years. It’s only now that I have let a few in my life know about my passion. Everything on my journey created so far has been done by the God within, myself and the people that have encouraged me (knowing or unknowingly) with their beautiful comments on Youtube and my Blog. My family have always given me their love and is one of the reasons why I continue to strive to be the best that I can, so maybe one day I can be of an assistance to them (if needed) and many others that is willing to follow the light within that guides them along their individual path.

Final note:

Be the Deliberate Creator you are and fly like the Eagles with strength and determination to conquer your goals. Once you are there don’t forget that this is the time to assist others on their path and be the leader that you have chosen to be. By doing so, we change the world for the greatest and that is worth this journey many times over especially to see our love one’s and many others find their way as we have.  Law of Attraction: Success




This is Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics sending you all Peace, Happiness and Contentment as you travel your path. Namaste!

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