Neville Goddard Imagination Exercise
Neville Goddard Imagination Exercise is fascinating and one lesson or exercise that should be taught to many during grade school. I have a love for new age and even-though Neville have passed on, he continues to be an inspiration for me.

Who is Neville Goddard?
Born Febuary 19, 1905, Neville was a dancer in New York City. Later he was introduced to mind control and the power of the imagination by a friend and mentor Abdullah which changed his life. Fascinated with the outcome of the desired effects, Neville sought after this knowledge and became one of the greatest pioneers to introduce the Powers of the Imagination. Not much was discovered about Abdullha, but due to his influence, Neville became one of the most fascinating writers on metaphysical topics. Neville did not consider himself a philosopher nor a metaphysician; however, over the century many in this field followed or accredit him for his work.
What is the Imagination Exercise

Neville taught that everything starts out as a thought. There is nothing created that was not first pictured in the imagination. He believed that God was the only creative force and that this source resided in everything.
You see the only thing that separate man from other species is the ability to create through imagination. Through this ability man was given dominion over the earth. Neville gave specific instructions on how to use your imagaination to create the life or situation you desired, which he also used with great results.
What is the Imagination Exercise?
Neville speaks about going into yourself and communing with the greatest force that resides inside of each and everyone of us. After quieting the mind, he ask for you to imagine your desire as if you were seeing it through your very own eyes. The important part of this is to see it through your own eyes and make it your reality, using all your senses as if it was your present reality. You must not only use your sight but the other senses like feelings, smell, taste and hearing to make it as real as possible. One other important point Neville discuss: He states you must see your imaginative movie with the end results. Not how or when,but as if it was already complete. How it comes about, is up to our higher source. It knows more than what you do!
About Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind knows no difference between reality and your imagination. It’s job is to take in what you give it and process it to give you more. What ever you encounter in your reality or thoughts you join it with emotions (good or bad) and that’s starts the process of what your subconscious will create for you. It’s the feelings you create that speaks to the subconscious. The subconscious interprets it as what you want and sends you more.
Lets put it together
Your probably saying how does this all fit together? I would tell you as stated above that your subconscious do not know the difference between your physical reality and your imagination. So you can create the life you desire by using your imagination. Once you feel your reality in your imaginative movie and you believe you can have it, the Universe will start to work to give birth to your dreams. Fascinating!
The Genie of life!

It is like our higher source has gifted us to create the life we desire. It is up to each of us, what we feed our subconscious. Your subconscious mind is your Genie that works with you during this life experience gifting what you want. “Your Wish Is My Command.” It plays no favorites nor does it decide for you. You create it through your experiences and that inner thought you feed it. Your subconscious is your Genie. So be careful what you give notice to or dwell upon.
Neville Goddard
Neville was taught this by Abdullah and created the life he desired through his very own imagination. If you don’t control your thoughts which creates that inner movie, you are creating by default. Maybe it’s good! Maybe not! With the knowledge you’ve just gathered here on this post and by use of it, you too will be able to manifest your greatest desirers.
Blessings to all of you and continue to follow and share my post so more can benefit from the knowledge of great writers like Neville Goddard! Thank You all and Thank You Neville. As Neville would say: ” Now Let Us Go Into The Silence!” Namaste!

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