Law of Attraction: My Spiritual Path
Law of Attraction: My Spiritual Path.
Hello. This is Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics. I am back trying to help all those that are willing to listen, manifest their dreams.
Don’t get me wrong and think that everything is perfect in my earthy life, but I know without a doubt it is manifested unto you what you make it to be.
This is why I am here typing late at night doing what I love. Let me start by telling you a little about myself, so that you would know that I am on a spiritual path too. Because I’m helping those along my travels, it will open greater doors for me.
A little about me!
I am a Nurse Practitioner with 30 yrs in the medical field. I’ve worked 2 jobs most my working life, but always had a feeling that their was something more.
That gut feeling!
I believe in numerology and am a Leo with a birthday that breaks down to 7/7/7. Because I do not believe in co-incidents, I just knew I was placed here for something greater (globally). I have a successful career and hold a very high and prestigious position at my job but deep down I felt like there was more for me to do.
Do what’s best for you!
Most people would look at me and say ” What are you crazy! People would die to have your job and status”. For me, I’ve always been different and bold in my actions, but always knew that I did not fit where many would. I partied and had a lot of fun growing up but always preferred to be alone during my me time. This made me a little different. Since I was young I was always interested in the unknown. I read a lot about Wicca and New Age which includes Religious Science part of Unity Church. (Not Scientology).
Church experience
Traditional churches did not ignite my passion because something was missing. I just could not see a God of love having a dual personality rewarding some and causing suffering for others. It just did not make sense for me!
In my late teenager years I just knew I was going to be an atheist until I met a medium from my friend Lillian. Reverne Lewis held church in her home and had a gift of sight and spoke tongue. It was different but was Bible base. I thank her because this was the closest I ever got to a traditional church and I don’t think I would find that again .
The changing point of my Spiritual Path
After she became sick and passed away I continued on this path studying prayer, candle work and dreams (my favorites). Until my boyfriend at that time had a book lying around, he was asked to read from his job called “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. He didn’t read it but I did and the doors just opened up for me. I just knew I had to read more.
I found my spiritual home.
On my spare time, I always read books from authors like Langston Hughes, Claude Brown and many books on Wicca. But after Think and Grow Rich I read mostly self help books like: ” As A Man Thinketh” by James Allen, books by Sonia Choquette. From there Doreen Virtue (The Angel Lady) and attended her classes for Tarot, Angel Intuitive and book writing conferences. I even became a Reiki practitioner which I continue to use that skill today. After all these years I found my spiritual place.
On the right spiritual path
I would go on trips by myself, so I can really get the best out of the experience. I met really nice people with common interest. As my knowledge grew I started using it to direct my life. I started to notice things changing. I received Angel guidance concerning on a major problem I was having with an investment. I acted quickly and it paid off.
Thank You!
I have to stop and acknowledge the Angel or my Higher Self for helping me that day. I’m sure he/she is aware but it was an experience that I would never forget.

Eyvette with Doreen Virtue Angel Party 2015

Sonia Choquette
Law of Attraction:
I must have read so many books on metaphysics, but found one common denominator between them all. That was the “Law of Attraction” which included mind control using visualization and affirmations.
I found myself becoming a member of Religious Science which included lessons on Law of Attraction. I even spent 1 yr studying with them and then went on to do a year at the Holistic Studies Institute. I did this while working 2 jobs and enjoyed every minute of it.
During this time, I sold my house, rented an luxury apartment, purchased my town house, and sold my building using the Law of Attraction. I did amazing things with what I had learned. On my spare time I would read books that I believe could make a difference in my life and others. I’ve manifested cars off the show room (Range Rover), manifested jobs and was always protected during difficulties.
Self Help Authors
Let me give you some of the authors that I believe shaped direct my spiritual path.
- Sonia Choquette : Angels
- Dorren Virtue: Angels and Tarot
- Radleigh Valentines: Angels and Tarot
- Rev. Ike: New Age / LOA
- Stuart Wilde: New Age / LOA
- Joseph Murphy: New Age/ Christian Science
- Catherine Ponder: New Age/ Christian Science
- Neville Goddard: New Age/ Religious
- Jerry and Ester Hicks: Medium and LOA
- Napolean Hill: New Age / LOA
- James Allen: New Age / LOA
- Ernest Holmes: Religious Science
- Florence Shovel Shinn: New Age: Metaphysics self help
- Joel Osteen: New Age / Religious
- University of Metaphysics or University of Sedona: Education

Stuart Wilde

Where am I now?
I’m on my spiritual path traveling like you. We maybe branching off on our own roads, but we are traveling. For me, I will continue to use Universal Laws to create my life.
Final remarks:
I continue to write and spread truth. For those that are with me, we can say we were together from the beginning. You must find where you fit on your spiritual path. Listen to what your body and mind tell you. It is guiding you like a navigator. Don’t worry if you wander off your path, it will recalculate to get you back on track. No matter how many times. Just keep moving and never give up!
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Stuart Wilde