Law Of Attraction: IT WORKS
It Works by RHJ
Hello your probably wondering why I’m writing about this book ” It Works”. Your probably saying “It’s Not Yours!” Well this book is one of the most powerful books you can read on the Law of Attraction and is on My Top 10 book list. The best part, is that it can be read in 1 hour. That’s right, One hour. If your one of those people whom just don’t like to read well this is the book.
For all of you out there that are trying to be a Deliberate Creator, this book skips all the other talk and gets right down to the point and that’s why it’s one of my favorite. After you read this post, please go out there and buy a copy and then if you like it and it helps you, I want you to buy one for all your love ones. I’m not promoting this book, but I did the same for my family, especially since it could be read in 1 hour. I’m not sure if they read it but I gave it to them. They may not have realized even-though I told them, but I gave them the best gift that anyone could give. It was a gift of knowledge. A gift that would set them free to live the life they always wanted. The gift of knowledge that could make their dreams come true and set them free.
Well since your reading my post and probably following me. I am going to give you the secret of this book and would still like for you to buy it because for $4 to $6 the knowledge given is worth thousands. (Found on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles and
As you know, I spend most of my free time learning all about Metaphysics which include everything about the spiritual realm. The Unknown. I just Love it and get a pleasure from passing the information down to others.
The Author of this book wanted to be anonymous. He didn’t want to be known. His gift to the \World was to provide knowledge that could help free many from self creating bondage. He could have made this book 200 pages and sold it for 3-4 times the price, but he choose not too. I read this book at work between nursing visits while waiting at the traffic lights. Before the end of the day, I had read it twice and many times afterwards. Please see my YouTube video on ” It Works.”
It Works:
Explains how we create the things in our lives and how some are blessed and others are still waiting for their dreams to come true. You now that person that seem to have everything while others are living in repeated conditions that are undesirable. I’ve been there and I’m sure the author of this little book have too. Look at Oprah, Bill Gates, Steve Harvey, Tyler Perry and the list goes on. How are these people so successful. I mean everything they touch turns into gold. I’m not saying they don’t have problems but they are so successful. At this day and time, you can’t turn on the television without seeing Steve Harvey. What do he have that we don’t? All of these people probably have one thing in common. They have found how to tap into their subconscious knowing or unknowingly and created their wildest dreams into reality.
I mean look at Oprah. Wow! For me, she is the best that ever did it (In her field, as a women, entrepeneur etc.) I’m happy for her, but we can do the same, if only we followed the rules. Well this book is here to help us and done in a manner by the author that it is easy to grasp and put it into action.
You see, In you there’s a Power that is here to serve you. It’s your birthright! This Power is your own Subconscious Mind and it is the part of you that is connected to the Source of all that there is. This Omnipotent power exists in you and is part of everything that exist. Because it is part of everything, it has all the answers and can direct and guide your conscious mind in obtaining your desires. Your subconscious mind is your best friend if you just realized it. You were not born alone into this World. You have a force that is with you granting all your wishes, even if your don’t realize it.
The Steps:
Lets get to the creative steps in manifesting your desires as stated in this book. Remember there are other ways for you to be a deliberate creator, but this is the one that is easy to learn and put into action.
- Write down your true desires in order of importance. Hey, before you write or make your list, take some time to really look deep inside and know what you want. Don’t leave anything out. What you desire will come into fruition, so be careful with what you ask for.
- Read the list 3 x daily. I prefer to read in the morning before starting my day and at night prior to sleep than the 3rd time during the day when I am at peace (like a lunch break.) Â
- Think of what you want often during the day. Hey it takes a few seconds to visualize what you want (while on-line in the store, waiting at the bank etc.)
- I’ve said this many of times and here I go again: Do not tell anyone except the Great Power within, your plan who will guide you along your path until you have it. By telling others, you dissipate the energy around your
manifestation and lessen the chance of manifesting your desire. You know that family member that loves you and want to protect you but doubt you can accomplish your goals because it’s not the norm in your life. I’m sure Oprah, Steve Harvey and Tyler Perry had some of these people in their lives.
Listen: Don’t worry about how you will acquire it. It will just happen. If you stay committed to what you are trying to manifest and if it is truly what you want, it will come. Remember half-hearted wanting or wishing will not manifest. That’s why I am telling you to know what you truly want. If it’s a true desire, you will time after time desire it until you get it!
Hey, This is Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics bringing you another Law of Attraction Lesson (From The Girl next Door). Please watch the attached YouTube video on “It Works” and subscribe to my Blog Post and YouTube channel. Thank You! Namaste.

Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics and Loving My Angels