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MANIFEST! The 222 Portal is COMING! What You Need To Know!

222 Portal

222 Portal

Are you ready to manifest your dreams into reality? The universe is aligning to bring you the opportunity of a lifetime with the upcoming 222 portal. This powerful energy shift is set to occur on February 22nd, 2022 and will provide a unique chance for spiritualists, numerologists, and manifestors alike to harness the power of manifestation like never before. In this blog post, we’ll dive deep into what the 222 portal is all about, how it can benefit you in your manifestation journey, and what steps you can take to prepare for this life-changing event.

What is the 222 Portal?

The 222 portal is a cosmic alignment that occurs every year on February 22nd. This year’s portal is especially significant because it falls on the date 2/22/2024. The 2 is an Angel number representing balance, harmony, alignment and forward movement. The 2024 also breaks down to 8 (2+0+2+4) which sets the intent for abundance in all ways for the entire year. This February 22, the universe is more receptive to our intentions and desires, making it easier for us to manifest our dreams into reality.

scripting technique

What to do?

But before you start manifesting like crazy on February 22nd, there are some steps you can take to prepare for this event. One important step is setting clear intentions ahead of time. Take some time leading up to the portal date to reflect on what you truly want out of life and write down specific goals or desires you wish to manifest. The more specific and focused your intentions are, the easier it will be for the universe to bring them into fruition.

Gratitude during 222 Portal

Another way to prepare is by practicing gratitude. Gratitude is a powerful practice that helps us focus on what we already have in our lives, rather than what we lack. When we cultivate a sense of gratitude, we attract more abundance into our lives – making it easier for us to manifest our desires. Take some time each day leading up to the portal date to reflect on what you’re grateful for in your life.

369 manifestation journal website picture

Questions to ask yourself at this time.

Here are some questions to ask yourself then take action:

  1. What it is that I truly desire for myself?
  2. What would put me into alignment with who I am?
  3. What action steps can I take right now using wise decisions?
  4. If I feel stuck, how do i feel about my past and present steps I’ve taken and what adjustments can I make to get myself on the right track?

Tools to use for further enhance your manifestation.

Finally, consider using tools like crystal gemstones to carry or wear, scripting to set your intent or magnify your desires is something you should consider. Crystals like citrine, pyrite, tiger’s eye and red jasper are known for their manifestation properties and can help the energy surrounding you at this moment. Seeking guidance from your spiritual guides and angels is also strong at this time represented by the number 4 (in 2024).


portal 222

The 222 portal is a powerful cosmic event that provides spiritualists, and manifestors alike with a unique opportunity to harness the power of manifestation like never before. By setting clear intentions ahead of time you can make the most out of this life-changing event. Remember that thoughts become things – so use this time wisely to focus your thoughts on what you truly desire in life. Happy manifesting!

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