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How I Manifested $22,000 Using Mirror Work

how I manifested $22000 using mirror work

Why this mirror work article different?

Hey there! Let’s chat about how I use mirror work to manifest money. Now, you might be thinking, “Eyvette, there are tons of information about manifesting money and mirror work – what makes yours stand out?” Well, here’s the deal: I keep it real and help folks like you achieve their dreams and live their best lives.

So hang tight, let me tell you. In one of my older YouTube videos, I revealed something big – like receiving a $22,000 check. Yup, you heard that right! But how did this unexpected windfall happen?

How it happen?

It all started with some self-reflection and MIRROR WORK (based on Louise Hay “Mirror Work” book). I realized that sometimes we all feel like something is missing or blocking us from our goals. So, I dove into mirror work, talking to myself in the mirror each day with statements of self-love, deservingness and release of the past.

louise hay mirror work

Then What Happened and what did you do?

And guess what? Within weeks, I received a $22k check out of the blue. It wasn’t a mistake or extra service payment – it was unexpected retro pay. The key to this manifestation was self-reflection and aligning with abundance through daily mirror work and release.

Now you’re probably wondering what I exactly did to open the doors to receiving this money. Well, let me break it down for you. First and foremost, I didn’t know or expected to receive money. I just knew I was feeling stuck and needed to release and let go so I could move on in life. I focused on releasing any negative thoughts or beliefs about person or situation in my life (including me).

The secret to mirror work

But the most important thing I did was practice gratitude every single day. I expressed gratitude for what I had, even if it wasn’t much at the time. I forgave myself for anything that was not in alignment with who I am including any mistakes I may have made in the past. I also forgave others that I thought wronged me, because everything starts from within and I realized that I attracted the situation someway, somehow.

Every morning or night before bed I looked in my eyes in the mirror and spoke to my higher self the true me. I stated that “I release and set us free from my mistakes that lead to anything negative I was experiencing”. I said I was sorry and it was time to move on. Before I knew it, I received a check for $22,000 in the mail a few days later. It was unexpected and I was grateful because I knew it was being held off until I released the barrior that was holding my good from me and that was forgiveness and release.


mirror work

As a friendly reminder, you deserve all the good things life has in store for you. Take a moment to express gratitude and let go of any negativity. Look yourself in the eyes and release any baggage weighing you down. Get ready to witness amazing things happen! By releasing what no longer serves you in the mirror, you create space for abundance to flow into your life. Whether it’s financial gain, career success, improved health, or whatever else you’ve been wishing for, trust that it’s on its way. Thank yourself and the Universe for always having your back and enjoy life.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. You will thank me one day as the doors open for you using this technique. Blessings to you and Namaste. Eyvette of My World of Metaphysics

law of attraction coaching
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