Is The Law of Attraction Real
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Is The Law Of Attraction Real

Is the Law of Attraction Real? That’s the biggest question many are asking whom are new to the Law of Attraction. Since the Movie the secret came out, this question is not uncommon. Well, here we will discuss it and at the end you can decide and take it from there.

is the law of attraction real

What is the Law of Attraction?

Before we go any further: Lets answer this question. In New Thought, the Law of Attraction is the belief that positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences into a person’s life. This is the basic definition, but more is needed to be explained before I’m satisfied.

Yes, the Law of Attraction among New Age followers is a belief that your thoughts attract your reality. I want to add one of the most important factors and that is: Your feelings is what gets you there. Your feelings open the gateway to your subconscious (which is the connecting force to the Universe). What you send out you attract. Just like a boomerang. But it’s the feelings that you are attracting (like situations, that trigger those same feelings.) There is a little more to this, but we will leave it here for the moment. You can check out some of the other blogs on the Law of Attraction to obtain more information.

Your Thought Create Your Reality

Is the Law of Attraction Real ?

Wow with a big, YES! The biggest misconception is that the Law of Attraction is something that we do! No, it is not! It’s an Universal Law and is and always will exist like gravity and electricity. No one questions the seasons (winter, spring, summer and fall) we just know it is. This is the same with Universal Laws. No matter if your aware of the Law of Attraction or not, it is always working and most of the time due to lack of knowledge ON DEFAULT!


Have you ever wondered why your day went bad after you had an early morning dispute on your way to work? You know that person that cut into your lane or when the car just did not start. Wow, were you upset. Later at work your boss cut your hours, you spilled your coffee on your documents and the elevator was not working causing you to walk 10 floors.

Your on Law of Attraction default! Where did it start? Now lets look back at those relationships that went bad. When you found yourself in another relationship giving you those same feeling (different but the same!) You like many others are creating your life on default. I’ve been there and at times found myself in a situation asking “How did I attract this?”

law of attraction

Another example and proof of the Law of Attraction. Have you wanted something and then all of a sudden started seeing it. A great example would be a car. You didn’t see this particular car before, now it’s at every stop sign. Our Infinite Intelligence created us with something called the reticulating activating system (RAS). It allows us to notice in our physical reality what we are focusing on (like that car or song).

It can even be the topic of the news for the day. You’ve just heard about a rape. By the end of the day, you heard that story multiple times or other rape stories. You are using your RAS (which is normal), but placing your focus in the wrong direction. You are attracting what you are thinking about. Not only your attracting, but if your emotions are intensified then the experience into your life will too.

Law of Attraction

My Story

I’ve manifested houses, luxury cars, jobs and relationships. Is it real? Yes! I look back on my life and am very aware of how things and situations came into my life. Were these things right for me? Well, season change! We are here to grow and learn. What’s good today may not be tomorrow so we continue to create.

What is your story?

Are you the Jim Carrey who manifested his greatest career using visualization? Are you striving to be the next Steve Harvey, Will Smith, Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga or Arnold Schwarzenegger? They all believe and used the Law of Attraction to create brilliant careers and life styles. If you don’t believe me, check it out for yourself.

Law of Attraction Steve Harvey
Steve Harvey
Law of Attraction Tyler Perry
Tyler Perry

There are so many celebrities (the elite) that are creating the life they desire using the law of attraction. Why not you!



Why don’t you try it for yourself. Read more of these Law of Attraction blogs to increase your knowledge and make changes to your life.

Eyvette from my world of metaphysics

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A Law Of Attraction Video For You!
Manifest Anything In 2 Minutes Using The Law of Attraction