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How to Manifest and Make Your Dreams Come True.


How To Manifest and Make Your Dreams Come True

Well here we are again. Welcome for those who are joining in for the first time. Please feel free to go back through the blogs to earlier dates to catch up.  Eyvette from My World of MetaphysicsToday we are going to discuss How to Manifest and Make Your Dreams Come True.  Here I will enlighten you with the information required for you to start today and manifest your desires.

The Truth About Manifesting

Now look, I don’t know what your prior beliefs are about manifesting but you will not manifest like the movies and your wish pop up. I’m not saying it can’t happen but remember we are working with a Universal Force that knows how to deliver your desires as you wish and knows the route to take you. So it will place you at the right place at the right time, right ideas as your driving, possible unexpected detours that lead you to your destination, etc.

What You Need To Do!

The one thing I will tell you is “You Must Take Action.” Without Action there is no manifestation. It could be as simple as reading a book that dropped off the shelf or taking a different way home after work. You see the Universal will create the opportunities for your wises to come true but you have free will to take action or inaction (as many do!)
There are many ways to manifest your dreams but for now I am going to tell you one of the best ways that many metaphysicians practice.

Write Down your Desires.

Yes, just that simple. First you need to take time for yourself and understand who you true are , what you want and what are you going to do with your desires once you have it?
Remember material things do not give you happiness, it just makes life more comfortable while you are here on the Earth plane but it can help you, your family and others live a better life.    manifest a house

Well here are the steps:

1. Write down what you want

Be specific only about the final outcome. There is no need to write out how it will come.

The Universe knows all and may have a better way of you obtaining your goals. So don’t limit yourself.   manifest with writing

2. Read your statement 3 x daily for at least 21 -41 days

This should be done:
A. In the morning before starting your day
B. Sometime during the Day while you are alone and it’s quiet
C. Before going to sleep (preferably while in bed). It’s best to have it be the last thing you state to yourself. It can be done out loud or as a thought.

You may want to keep repeating it until you fall asleep ( like a lullaby).

One could also write your statement down 3 x daily to impregnate the subconscious.

I always say be creative and while reading image like a child playing make believe that it already your reality. Use all your senses to accomplish it.

Why complete these steps while alone or in a mild quiet state?

What is attracted to you depends on what your subconscious is magnetizing and you have to reach the subconscious to impregnate it with your desires. One problem, the conscious is how you get there and also how you block the path. With the millions of thoughts the conscious process it is difficult to implant the right desires and even harder to actually reach the subconscious; However, it is done and usually when the emotions are high or with repetition.

The biggest challenge

Is within us and that is negative thinking that dissipates our desires. These negative thoughts are Fear, Doubt, Indecisiveness, Worry, Envy. Example: “My income is now $450K yearly”  but in your subconscious implanted for many years ” I don’t know enough to make it like those other people”. You may not even be conscious of your belief. Hint: Listen to how you and what you talk about and even better: how you feel about the topic of your desires.

What To Do?

This is why we repeat our affirmations, statements and visualizations repeatedly to replace these negative thoughts that have become (as Bob Proctor would say) a Paradigm (Beliefs) in our subconscious. The best way to get there is while the conscious mind is least active (before bed, just getting up before starting the day and while at peace). It takes at least 21-41 days for our subconscious to replace old defeating thoughts with new ones of success. From there the subconscious, that is your true self connected to the Universal Source, will send out your new desires and grant your wishes.

Important information

Again , you must take action and be patient. If I did not go around looking for my Range Rover I would have never discovered one I could afford with a salesman and financial manager that helped make the deal go through. I don’t know what their alternative motives were but the Universe put us all together to make the deal go through. This happened to me multiple times in my life for the good or bad. Remember the process works regardless if it’s positive or negative.

Well, there you go!

One of the Secrets of all ages. How to manifest and make your dreams come true.

This is Eyvette Risher from My World of Metaphysics bringing you all the information about the Law of Attraction to create the life you desire.
Please follow me on You Tube at My World Of Metaphysic by Clicking Here: https://www.youtube.com/c/MyWorldofMetaphysics

Until the next time, Namaste!: 

Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics


Please Feel Free to watch this Law of Attraction Videos:

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