Eyvette’s Top Law of Attraction Tips
Eyvette’s Top Law of Attraction Tips.
Today I would like to give a gift ” Eyvette’s Top Law Of Attraction Tips.. I know everyone is talking about the Law of Attraction and some are seeing results and others are not. Well don’t get discouraged if you’re not. Your still walking the right path and need just to work on old Karmas or just improving your skills. Either way your on your way and with these tips you’ll get there even faster.

Human Magnet
What is the Law of Attraction?
Well it’s one of many Universal Laws that state you attract to you what you are or what you vibrate. It’s like a radio frequency. You can not listen to country music if your tuned into hard rock. Â Â Â Â
Let me say that again! You can not attract Love if your thinking hatred. It’s just that simple but hard to follow at this day and age; However, by understanding how it works you are on your way.
What About Me?
There have been times where I just didn’t know how things were happening to me. I thought I had bad luck or it was that “Why Me” victim role until I understood the truth. You see I also attracted everything good or bad into my life using the Law of Attraction even if I did not realize it. You see your manifesting if you like it or not.
What About you?
At this very moment you are right now vibrating, attracting something into your future. This is the secret of the elite but not a real secret because many knew this for centuries. It’s the old saying that “The Rich Get Richer and The Poor Get Poorer”. If you think your poor, your vibrating at that level and will remain there or will become worse off than previous. If you think your rich this is a state of mind and is what you will be or even greater. This is why 5% of the population owns 95% of the money. Wouldn’t you like to be in that number. Well I would. Believe me money is not all there is, but you can live a happier life and help your love ones if you have it. Well, I know that I could.
Well let’s get to my Top law of Attraction Tips. This is based on my readings over the many years.
Top Law of Attraction Tips
1) Know what you want:
Don’t confuse the Universe. Take your time to really know what you want. It’s OK to change your mind (That shows growth).
2) Know that you are deserving:
You are a child of the most high which resides inside of you. With this title you are a King or Queen and deserve all that you desire. So don’t be afraid to reach for the stars.
3) Trust that you can have it:
Have confidence and trust that you can have it. Remember that the source of your supply comes from the Infinite Intelligence and it’s job is to Love you and supple all your needs.

4) Visualize it:
See it in your mind as a movie with you in it. Sit for at least 1 minute a day and make a movie with your eyes closed (seeing and feeling the emotions of you already having what you desire)
5) Use Affirmations:
Very important to speak positive statements about your desires in the present tense (only). Best done in the morning before getting up and before going to bed. Also great if done in the mirror. I like to say affirmation as a process like ” I am prospering everyday in every way”. Instead of “I am Rich”. This way the subconscious does not block or deny what is being said. It’s more believable to the subconscious.
6) Use reminders like Vision Boards:
As you know if you follow me on You Tube I am a Vision board person. So please go to You Tube and watch my videos on vision boards especially if you do not know how to create one.
7) Stay away from the Nay Sayers:
Yes and keep your manifestations to yourself. I can not say this enough. People will kill your dreams. Not intentionally, but it happens. They are just reflecting what is in themselves so if you’re trying to be different why let someone fill your mind with doubt.
8) Surround yourself with Positive Vibrating People:
If your surrounded by positive people and situations you will vibrate at that same frequency so monitor your surroundings. I love comedy. It can lift your vibration up to the clouds. Some people have healed themselves by laughing. Can you believe that! Remember what you vibrate you attract. So being happy will attract happy occasions.
9) Meditate:
Very important. Meditations connects you to source and at the same time calms the mind from all that chitter chatter and allows you become more clear minded, calmer and more focused to follow your dreams. If you’re not meditating, please try. I will speak on this more in the near future. If you do not meditate or find it too difficult please calm your mind by walking outside or just sitting in a quiet possibly dark room.
10) Take Action:
Yes! Yes! Start. Be wise and cautious, but start. Just by driving on a different path can be a start. It can lead you to that house you desire or that person that knows someone who now someone. You get the hint! Give the Universe more to work with. Believe me your not going to get that job by sitting in the house, not preparing your resume or procrastinating on doing a job search.
11) Binaural Beats:
This can help you with your manifestations. It better to use headphones if available. You can also sleep to the music or sound of binaural beats like 432HZ and 528HZ.
12) Get into the habit of Writing Down your desires:
I write everything down. It’s OK to make changes. But write it down and read it 3 x daily. Atleast you know your sending out the same message by reading it.

Writing Your Desires
13) Write and Read your desires 3 times daily for at least 21 days or more until it is manifested into physical form.
Well there you go. Eyvette’s Top Law of Attraction Tips.
Please look in the archives to see all the blog post concerning being a deliberate creator and watch my videos on youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJNMhkroO0KBW63BIkqIxUw to obtain more information and come back to this website for more information on how to create the life you desire by being a deliberate creator.
Again this is Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics. Namaste!
Please continue to follow me for more Law of Attraction and Metaphysical Blogs: Click here:Â https://myworldofmetaphysics.com/law-of-attraction-blog/
Follow Me On YouTube:Â https://www.youtube.com/c/MyWorldofMetaphysics
See Video below on Eyvette’s To Law of Attraction Tips:


Whatch Video
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-kSb4zt3IA[/embedyt]