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Hey there, it’s Eyvette from the My World of Metaphysics! If you’re struggling to attract or manifest something into your life, you’re in the right place. Today, I’ll share a simple manifesting technique that can open doors to your desires by writing something 100 times for manifestation.

Who am I?

If you’re new, welcome to My World of Metaphysics where I share metaphysical knowledge and manifesting techniques. Don’t forget to subscribe, and keep a look out for more releases. Now, let’s dive into this secret technique.


Write It 100x

The key is writing your desire out 100 times. This impregnate your wish into your subconscious mind where it works with the Universe to create it into your reality. First, find quiet time, grab a journal or piece of paper, and write a short phrase of what you desire repeatedly 100 times. It can be the perfect career, perfect health, perfect love or a certain amount of money. Whatever it is you desire, but I want you to keep it short.

Why keep it short? It’s because you’re going to write it 100 times and if you’re writing a long phrase 100 times you’re going to lose focus. You’re thoughts are going to drift and start thinking negative thoughts, which will attract that in to your life. Believe me you will!

scripting technique

Setting an intent in your mind before writing helps you focus on what you want as if it’s already yours. Visualize yourself having it 1st then come up with a simple affirmation or statement that describes it. ” Thank you Universe for I am a millionaire.”

TIP: Verbally speak it while you are writing then end by stating a grateful prayer to the Universe like “Thank you God for blessing me. I know whatever it is that’s manifesting is already mine and comes through you.” You have set the intent with your creator and acknowledged there’s a higher source that is blessing you. Expressing GRATITUDE!

Place it under your pillow

Now what are you going to do with the paper? You are going to place it under your pillow and sleep on it. Let it be the last thing your conscious mind relays to your subconscious mind before sleep. This is the best time to give your subjective mind a command or an intent of your desire. 

write 7 times and put under pillow


So, give this write it 100x technique a try and see how it can transform your life. Thank you for being here on this journey of growth and transformation with me! Namaste!  Eyvette

The secret is to keep your thoughts and feeling positive. Keep your energy up and be open to receiving what is already meant for you. That is all there is to it. The only thing you have to do is set the intent by writing it 100x’s, visualize it and put it under your pillow before sleep. The last tip is to TAKE ACTION IN THE DIRECTION OF YOUR DESIRE!

Namaste Eyvette

2 replies
  1. Cindy
    Cindy says:

    It didn’t say how many nights this process ( nights to sleep on it ) should be done.. or how often how many things we should try to manifest our desires…

    • Eyvette
      Eyvette says:

      Hello this is a technique you can do once or for 1 week. Please follow your heart but believe when I say it works especially when you do it before sleep. This particular technique I would do once but focus on it every night before sleep. I did include the video for more info.

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