What is going on with our World? Is this the end?

Eyvette from my world of metaphysics

What is Going On?

Hi, this is Eyvette from my World of Metaphysics and today I want to speak to you about a question that many are asking. What is going on with our world and is this the end? Listen if you haven’t asked yourself this question within the last few days, you may have asked it over the last couple of months.

What Is Going On With our World ? Is This The End?

Metaphysical Answer

Now what is it that I have to tell you metaphysically about what’s going on in our world and is this the end. Some of you are probably saying, “I don’t think this is the end, but a lot of things are changing.” I would like to say nothing happens to any of us by accident.

What Is Going On With our World ? Is This The End?

All of us are attracting at each moment everyone we see, every circumstance and there are no ifs or buts about it. On some molecular level, we are vibrating and sending out frequencies. We are attracting every single thing in our lives. How it work, I can only touch the basis, but it goes way beyond what any of us can ever comprehend.  My World of Metaphysics World Mug

Did We Do This?

We are attracting every moment in our lives what we are experiencing. When you see in your lifetime a global change or mass controversies realize negative thought vibrations are going out. There are no accidents. Covid19, Measles and Smallpox and others are pandemics that happened in our history. We attracted these things on a global level. That’s why it’s important to control your thoughts. What Is Going On With our World ? Is This The End?

Mass Level Thinking

Basically there’s a lot of people out there watching movies and thinking “there’s going to be a pandemic in 2020.” Everyone that watch similar movies are putting out in the Universe the thought that there would be a pandemic in 2020. When you do this on a mass level, the vibration and the attraction is on a level that could affect the entire world.

What About God?

Some people say “well, no this is God’s punishment to all mankind for everything that was done.” Listen God is love. God is our supporter and protector. I don’t believe in a God that loves one minute and hates another. God gave us the right to create our lives and it created universal laws to accomplish it.

Let me say that again, God put universal laws in place for you to create the life you want and make this earthly experience your paradise. By thinking the wrong way, focusing on the wrong things, you are attracting that in your life. When there’s a large group of people doing these things, that’s when you see pandemics and other issues we have faced recently.

What Can I Do?

When you start seeing things on this level, you have to ask yourself what is going on? Better yet, how can I contribute to make it better? You can not control what another person does or thinks, but you can control what happens in your life. If everyone does their part and send out love, we are reversing what was done and vibrating world healing.

Wake Up And Realize The Need For Change

A lot of people died during 2020 and are still dying. Animal cruelty and child abuse is a top issue. Racial issues in our country and all around the world has finally surfaced for the entire world to witness. What Is Going On With our World ? Is This The End?

Spiritually, we all have to practice keeping our thoughts positive and send out love, not only for yourself and your family but to the world. I’m not telling you to keep focusing on all the disasters and the things that are going on in this world, but we need to realize it, understand why and correct.

Sending Love

I need you to send out love. Protect yourself, your families and others. Send out love to everyone, so that we can get our world under control. We’ve been here before. This is not the first or last time, but this can be the start of world healing in many ways.


So what you see is no accident. What you see we created as the vibration of a mass population. We now need to correct what was done.  The only way, is to change our thoughts. Change what we are focusing on and send blessings and love to the world. It starts with you. Make that decision before it’s too late. Namaste

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