Law of Attraction: The Game of Life
Law of Attraction: The Game of Life
Hello, I would like to speak to you about the Law of Attraction: The Game of Life. If you don’t know how to play this game you are loss. I’m serious! You have no clue!
I have received some emails and comments mentioning different problems in followers lives. I’m telling everyone reading this and in the video attached to this post “You haven’t learned how to play the game of Life.” Florence Scovel Shinn said it the best when she wrote the book “The Game of Life and How to Play It”.
Law of Attraction: Power of the Subconscious
You see everything comes from within and you must learn how to control this inner force. We are just beginning to recognize the Power of the Subconscious. Listen, I have been there and at times caught myself and refocused my thoughts because I knew the damage it could cause.
If you haven’t already, please go to my YouTube channel by clicking the icon above or below to watch my success stories with the Law of Attraction and you will see that I have been through some of the same things you are writing me about now.
Law of Attraction: The Game of Life Question.
Do you wake up in the morning dreading the day, hating to go to work, afraid of opening the bills or other negative experiences?
Well, you have just created more of what you don’t want. Yes, I said it! More! When I had my building in CT and was going through one of the worse experiences in my life, I didn’t know, why everything was happening. Well let me correct that! I did, but just could not help feeling trapped, doomed and the victim.
You see, sometimes no matter what you know, there is only but so much you can take. It wasn’t until I got a grip of the situation and put my plan into action and released the situation that I sold my property and moved on with my life. Believe me, I brought and sold properties, purchased cars, received promotions and jobs through what I am telling you. It’s no Secret, even-though it is now being taught as if it was.
The Secret:
That’s were the title of the movie “The Secret” came from; However, many have known and used what I am telling you for many decades. In fact, Jesus was the best teacher on the subject when he said (Matthew 12:37 KJV) ” By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.” To put it simply, your words create your life. You decide if it shall be either for positive or negative experiences you encounter in your life.
So what is the Law of Attraction: The Game of Life?
It’s knowing that your Subconscious is the gateway to everything you desire and learning how to work with it to achieve your utmost desires. In other words: It’s the Power of Your Words and I would add a little more to that, it’s the Power of Your Feelings.
From:Â Â (Game of Life and How to Play It: 2009Â (original 1925) Chapter, Power of Word. pg. 25. Â F. S. Shinn)
(Thus the invisible forces are ever working for man who is always “pulling the strings” himself though he does not know it. Owing to the vibratory power of words, whatever man voices, he begin to attract. People who continually speak of disease, invariably attract it.)
The Game of Life Moving Forward:
I can quote many other metaphysical writers and no matter how or when they communicated it, it all pointed to one thing and that is the Subconscious. So where do we go from here?
We as Deliberate Creators (those knowing the truth), must start utilizing our knowledge and put it into practice. I now try my hardest to see the good in everything, speak only of good, positive experiences unless I’m using it as an example. I get up in the morning happy knowing that I’m alive and can change my circumstances if desired. So I move forward like a Queen or a Lion knowing that I create my destiny.
Yes, I said it and mean it. It’s up to you to decide how your life will be. Life is so beautiful. I deliberately notice the trees, sky, clouds, water and animals as if I was a child experiencing it for the first time.
The Game of Life Reality

I try my hardest, when negative situations occur to think positive, knowing that somehow I created the situation and if I don’t get a grip, I will continue to manifest more of the same negativity; therefore, leading to more of what I do not want in my life. So, I have no choice but to smile, ride it through, change my current vibration and Let It Go!
Remember You are Creators and it’s up to you, not your families, your boss or the bully down the block that controls your destiny. We create our circumstance from past thoughts we verbally expressed or held secretly within. So it’s our divine birth right to choose at this moment what’s to come next! We are Kings and Queens blessed with the power from the Supreme Being that dwells within. Know this truth and move boldly forward manifesting all that you desire. My Heart goes out to all of you seeking the truth and following the Light Within.
This is Eyvette, from My World of Metaphysics. Until Next time, Namaste!
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Other Law of Attraction and Metaphysical Blog Post from My World of Metaphysics:Â
Please see the attached Youtube video on the “Game of Life.”