law of karma


Do you want to know about the law of karma? Well you’ve come to the right article. This is a quick and easy description of karma and will help you change your life.

Now What Is Karma?

Karma simply said is the force or energy generated by one’s actions that produce or lead inevitably into one’s future experiences (Good or Bad). In Hinduism and Buddhism this could happen in this life time or during another reincarnation. So karma is action produced by ones acts. Karma is not a result, but a force created not only by ones actions but their thoughts, words and deeds. Karma will help you rise in consciousness by your life lessons, that repeat until you learn. This would help you move closer to Gods consciousness, which is the reason for this incarnation and everyone afterwards.

law of karma

How Does It Affect You?

Lets give an example of karma. Very simple; You are rude to your mother in her elderly age. You grow old and is treated the same way by your child or caretaker. Lets look at it in more of a fast karmic reaction. You have ill thoughts of your friend who is successful and you could never start and mantain a success business for yourself. Then one day you change your thoughts to more of a loving experience for your friend then your business actually uplifts and prosper. The Karma would be the failing business of your own.

This is karma. It’s the force or energy you are transmitting which brings to you in your experience what you send out. Your thoughts, actions or deeds can show up in your life immediately, a day, week, month or even years down the line but it will return. I believe it can even show up in another reincarnation so I tell people to be careful. There is so much we don’t understand on a spiritual level. There are so many questions about life in general and why some experience this and others experience that? Could karma from another life time play part in unexplainable conditions in someones life. I can not answetr that, but I would not be surprised if it did.

How Can We Use The Law Of Karma

law of karma

OK, so how can we use this law to help change our lives? Yes that is the question and that’s why your here. Karma comes good or bad, so you can use this to create the life that you desire. I tell people by focusing on Love in everything you do, you can only create good for yourself. Remember we are vibrational spiritual beings that create our very own circumstances. By understanding how we create you can create positive situations in your life.

If you are living from Love you would treat others how you would want to be treated. Your thoughts, deeds and actions would be from love. Now let me tell you. We are spiritaul beings having a human experience so we came here to learn. So don’t get down on yourselves when you make a mistake. Just know what you did and change. It can eradiacate the situation before it occur or shorten the duration making the blow more bearable to experience.

You want a successful business; so wish those that have one success from your heart. Don’t give someone a hard time if you want to be treated well on the job. Be happy for your collegues promotion and watch how your enegery will switch to one of more success and abundance.

Law Of Karma Conclusion

law of karma

This is what you need to know. You get what you send out. If not now then later. Point blank. Karma is the energy you create and is unbiase. it does not know good or bad, but what you send out and create. It is yours as a gift from the Most High. There is no punishment or reward but creation. It’s only your interpretation of what is desired or not. So you must create with that in mind to experience in your life what is desired. That’s why i stated earlier always act, think with the intention of expressing love and you could never go wrong.

If something is not right in your life. Look at the law of Karma and see where you could be misusing this great powerful gift from our Supreme Beings that resides inside of us. There is no hiding your thoughts or deeds because the Most High knows all because it is you. Remember that and when your thought deviate away from love, pull it back and do something loving.

law of karma
my world of metaphysics
Eyvette From My World Of Metaphysics

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2 replies
  1. Martin Nsaguye
    Martin Nsaguye says:

    I have to tried to manifest my dream s but I I failed to reach on them I don’t what to do.

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