1 on 1 Coaching Services are now available for those wanting to know more about the law of Attraction, Metaphysics or want a Tarot or Angel Card reading.

Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics after demand is now providng this service with selected time slots available each week. What is it that you desire in your life? Do you require guidance in love, health, success, prosperity or home and career? Well you’ve come to the right place.

With multiple videos on Youtube and years of knowledge Eyvette can provide the additional assistance for you to create that life you desire and deserve.

1 on 1 Coaching Services

1 on 1 Coaching Services Provided:

  • Tarot or Angel Card Readings combinded with Intuitive Readings
  • Law of Attraction Coaching
  • Metaphysical Life Coaching

Our services are held for 15 minutes each. They can help those who desire to learn more about metaphysics and how they are currently creating their life. The results or outcomes are not guaranteed and are individually based.

Tarot and Angel cards have been used for guidance for a long time. Eyvette has the training to use these tools to assist you in obtaining the information desired in your life.

Our life coaching sessions are metaphysically based and includes a new age approach to solving problems in your life. The Law of Attraction is just one of many Universal Laws. Because it was created to assist us in obtaining what we want, it is one of our greatest gifts from God.

So try the services and if you like it, Tell a Friend; Either way, Thank You for Supporting My World of Metaphsyics.

Please visit My World Of Metaphysics 1 on 1 Law of Attraction Coaching at: https://myworldofmetaphysics.com/1-on-1-law-of-attraction-coaching-sessions/

Learn Law of Attraction Independently. Visit Homepage: https://myworldofmetaphysics.com

Store Online Crytsals and Metaphysical Products: https://store.myworldofmetaphysics.com

law of attraction coaching