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Unlock Wealth: QUICK Bay Leaf Money Manifestation Rituals


Bay Leaf Money Manifestation

Are you looking to attract more wealth and abundance into your life? If so, you’re in the right place! Today, we’re going to explore five simple bay leaf rituals that can help you manifest money and prosperity. These rituals were created by Eyvette Risher of My World of Metaphysics, a renowned expert in feng shui, law of attraction, manifestation rituals, and herbal magic. So grab a pen and some bay leaves, and let’s get started on unlocking wealth!

#1. Write on a bay leaf and burn it:

One powerful way to manifest money is by writing your financial goals or desires on a bay leaf and then burning it. As the leaf burns, visualize your intentions turning into reality. The smoke from the burning bay leaf carries your wishes out into the universe, helping to attract abundance into your life.


#2. Write on a bay leaf and place it under your pillow

Another effective ritual is to write your money-related affirmations on a bay leaf and then tuck it under your pillow before going to bed. This allows the energy of the bay leaf to work its magic while you sleep, helping to align your subconscious mind with thoughts of prosperity and wealth.

#3. Write on a bay leaf and place it in your wallet

Try writing on a bay leaf and placing it in your wallet near your money: To enhance the energy surrounding your finances, try writing positive affirmations or symbols of wealth on a bay leaf and placing it in your wallet near where you keep your cash or credit cards. This simple act can help attract more money into your life while also protecting what you already have

#4. Write on a bay leaf and place it on your vision board

Here’s another powerful herbal magic ritual where you write on a bay leaf and place it on your vision board or photo album: If you have a vision board or photo album dedicated to manifesting your dreams, consider adding a bay leaf with written affirmations related to wealth and abundance. The presence of the bay leaf can amplify the energy of your intentions, making them even more powerful as they are visualized daily.

#5. Write on a bay leaf and visualize

Lastly, one effective way to use bay leaves for money manifestation is by holding one in your hands while visualizing exactly what you want to attract financially. Whether it’s a specific amount of money, a new job opportunity, or increased sales in your business, focus on these desires as you hold the bay leaf close to you

money manifesting


Incorporating these simple yet powerful bay leaf rituals into your daily practice can help you unlock wealth and abundance in no time. By using these techniques consistently with intention and belief, you can start attracting more money into your life while aligning yourself with prosperity on all levels. Remember that manifestation works best when coupled with gratitude, positivity, and action towards achieving your goals. So go ahead, give these rituals a try and watch as the universe responds in kind!

Law of Attraction Coaching

About the Author

Eyvette Risher is a Metaphysical Life Coach, specializing in the Law of Attraction, manifestion rituals, Herbal magic, Spirituality and much more. Her desire is to help as many people as she can reach their full potential using the power that resides within each and every one us us. THE GOD WITHIN!
Don't forget to subscribe to her newsletter for mor posts, discounts on New Age products, Coaching and more.

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