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Law Of Attraction: Manifesting While Sleeping

Law Of Attraction: Manifesting While Sleeping


Law Of Attraction: Your probably saying: What Eyvette, manifesting while you sleep! Are you crazy? Well this is the best time for me to manifest with good results concerning receiving answers.

I was just like you many years ago, until I realized what I was doing to manifest the things going on in my life.

As a person that love metaphysics, I just love to read books on the unknown, so I started reading. I started off with “Think and Grow Rich” then “As a Man Thinketh”. After that I began my spiritual journey on a definite path from Angels to Universal Laws which lead me here.


What do it have to do with Sleeping?           manifest while sleeping

After all my readings, I noticed that I received most of my answers either upon awaking or while sleeping during dreams. So I decided to learn more about this time period and found that I was not alone.

What’s next?

I realized that while I was drifting off to sleep, my mind was more quite and I could here more. This was also noted while driving in the morning. This was when I received the answers to my problem with my rental building and had my first Out Of body experience. Your probably saying “What?” Yes, I did and wouldn’t do it again because of the location, but will say it was easier during this time, because I was more calm and able to hear what was being said.


Law Of Attraction: Manifesting While Sleeping

What do all of this have to do with the topic? Well this is the time also when the mind is at rest or at the most rest of the day. Remember your higher self (which knowns all) is there but hard to hear because of the rambling going on with the conscious mind. Do you know we have 80,000 thoughts going though our mind daily. Yes daily. How can we hear? When the mind is at it’s quitest is when you want to try to receive answers to our prayers or even manifest our desires.

How Are We Going To Do This?             law of attraction manifesting while sleeping

Law of Attraction: Manifesting While Sleeping is easy to do, but require training to benefit from the process.

  • Go to bed.
  • Don’t go to sleep right away.
  • Focus on your desires or problem
  • Ask For guidance.
  • Repeat it as a lullaby
  • Upon waking try not to get out of bed.
  • Pay careful attention to the moment before opening up your eyes.      law of attraction: manifesting while sleeping
  • Did you hear a voice?
  • Do you remember your dreams?
  • Write it Down!

Know what you want or what you want your Subconscious to do or solve for you. Remember the Subconscious is connected to the God Within and all your supply, wants and needs come from With In.

for Success say ” Success, Wealth” continuously until you fall asleep. If you do not get an answer repeat it the next night.

I hope this helped you! it have for me and continue to do so.


I know you will receive an answer if you follow these instructions. Your world will change as you communicate with you subconscious. Namaste!

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Eyvette from My World Of Metaphysics