Bay Leaf Money Manifestation

Are you looking to attract more wealth and abundance into your life? If so, you’re in the right place! Today, we’re going to explore five simple bay leaf rituals that can help you manifest money and prosperity. These rituals were created by Eyvette Risher of My World of Metaphysics, a renowned expert in feng shui, law of attraction, manifestation rituals, and herbal magic. So grab a pen and some bay leaves, and let’s get started on unlocking wealth!

#1. Write on a bay leaf and burn it:

One powerful way to manifest money is by writing your financial goals or desires on a bay leaf and then burning it. As the leaf burns, visualize your intentions turning into reality. The smoke from the burning bay leaf carries your wishes out into the universe, helping to attract abundance into your life.


#2. Write on a bay leaf and place it under your pillow

Another effective ritual is to write your money-related affirmations on a bay leaf and then tuck it under your pillow before going to bed. This allows the energy of the bay leaf to work its magic while you sleep, helping to align your subconscious mind with thoughts of prosperity and wealth.

#3. Write on a bay leaf and place it in your wallet

Try writing on a bay leaf and placing it in your wallet near your money: To enhance the energy surrounding your finances, try writing positive affirmations or symbols of wealth on a bay leaf and placing it in your wallet near where you keep your cash or credit cards. This simple act can help attract more money into your life while also protecting what you already have

#4. Write on a bay leaf and place it on your vision board

Here’s another powerful herbal magic ritual where you write on a bay leaf and place it on your vision board or photo album: If you have a vision board or photo album dedicated to manifesting your dreams, consider adding a bay leaf with written affirmations related to wealth and abundance. The presence of the bay leaf can amplify the energy of your intentions, making them even more powerful as they are visualized daily.

#5. Write on a bay leaf and visualize

Lastly, one effective way to use bay leaves for money manifestation is by holding one in your hands while visualizing exactly what you want to attract financially. Whether it’s a specific amount of money, a new job opportunity, or increased sales in your business, focus on these desires as you hold the bay leaf close to you

money manifesting


Incorporating these simple yet powerful bay leaf rituals into your daily practice can help you unlock wealth and abundance in no time. By using these techniques consistently with intention and belief, you can start attracting more money into your life while aligning yourself with prosperity on all levels. Remember that manifestation works best when coupled with gratitude, positivity, and action towards achieving your goals. So go ahead, give these rituals a try and watch as the universe responds in kind!

Law of Attraction Coaching

About the Author

Eyvette Risher is a Metaphysical Life Coach, specializing in the Law of Attraction, manifestion rituals, Herbal magic, Spirituality and much more. Her desire is to help as many people as she can reach their full potential using the power that resides within each and every one us us. THE GOD WITHIN!
Don't forget to subscribe to her newsletter for mor posts, discounts on New Age products, Coaching and more.

lemon rituals to remove negativity

Remove Negative Energy

Negative energy can linger in our homes and within ourselves, affecting our mood and overall well-being. But did you know that a simple lemon can be a powerful tool for removing this negativity? In this blog post, we will explore how you can use lemons to cleanse your space and yourself of any bad vibes.

lemon rituals to remove negativity

Lemon Under the Bed

Lemons are not only great for detoxification and adding a refreshing scent to your home, but they also have the ability to absorb negative energy. One effective method is to place a cut lemon under your bed for about a week. To enhance its cleansing properties, sprinkle some sea salt on the cut lemon. This combination can help draw out any lingering negative energy from your body as you sleep.

Place Lemon in Corners

To further cleanse your living space, consider placing whole lemons in the four corners of your home. Whether on the same floor or different levels, placing lemons in each corner can help create a barrier against negative energy entering your space. Keep an eye on the lemons – if they start to look moldy or develop black spots, it may indicate that they are absorbing negative energy from the environment.

If there is a particular room in your home where tension tends to gather, such as a family gathering area or workspace, consider placing lemons in the corners or using them as decorative accents. The presence of lemons can help neutralize any negative emotions or energies that may be lingering in that space. You may even notice a shift in the atmosphere after incorporating lemons into your decor.

Lemon Spray or Add as a Centerpiece

Another simple yet effective method is to create a lemon-infused spray by combining lemon juice with water in a spray bottle. Use this spray to mist around your home or on yourself when you feel like you need an energetic refresh. The citrusy scent of lemon can uplift your mood and help dispel any lingering negativity.

Lemons are not just great for brightening up your decor; they can also bring a refreshing vibe to your personal rituals. Consider creating a lemon bowl as a centerpiece for your dining table or coffee table. Combine fresh lemons with other natural elements, such as herbs or flowers, to enhance the aesthetic and energetic flow in your home. This arrangement not only serves as an eye-catching display but also draws in positive energy while neutralizing negativity.

Lemon Bath

Another fantastic idea is to incorporate lemon slices into your bath routine. Simply add sliced lemons to your bathwater for a relaxing soak that refreshes both the body and mind. The zesty aroma will elevate your mood, making it a perfect way to unwind after a long day. As you soak, visualise any negativity washing away, leaving you revitalized and ready to take on new challenges.


Harnessing the power of lemon to remove negative energy is a simple yet effective way to cleanse both yourself and your living space. By incorporating lemons into your daily routine, whether through placement in key areas of your home or using them as part of a cleansing spray, you can create a more positive and harmonious environment. Give it a try and see how this natural remedy can bring balance and positivity into your life.

Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics

About the Author

Rev. Eyvette Risher of My World of Metaphyisics has a Bachelors in Metaphysics and is a registered Nurse Practitioner. She has multiple certifications in the New Age arena. She is certified as an Angel intuitive, Angel Card Reader and also a published writer. With many other trainings, she has the knowledge to instruct those looking to change their lives. If your want more, please follow her by adding yourself to the mailing list. CLICK HERE

How To Get Out Of Any Negative Situation
How To Get Out Of Any Negative Situation

How to Get Out of Any Negative Situation

Hey there! Are you feeling stuck in a situation with no way out? I’ve got some life-changing information for you. It’s a simple technique that involves shifting your focus from the problem to your Supreme Being, whether it be God, the Universe, Allah, or any other higher power you believe in. Remember there are many names but only one Supreme Being

How to do it?


This approach is about redirecting your energy and attention from worrying about the problem itself to placing trust in a force greater than yourself. All you have to do is take your attention off the problem and redirect it towards God. 

When you find yourself in a situation

no money

Trust me, this small but powerful shift can lead to significant changes in your life. When you find yourself overwhelmed by challenges at work, such as meeting deadlines or dealing with difficult colleagues, or facing personal life issues, like relationship struggles or financial worries, instead of dwelling on these problems, give them to God also known as the Universe. Speak to your Supreme Being, whether through prayer, meditation, or reflection, and trust that they have the insights and answers necessary to guide you.

Why focus your Supreme Being?

By releasing control and placing your faith in your Supreme Being, you open the doors for positive energy and solutions to flow into your life. This isn’t about abandoning responsibility but rather about fostering a partnership with a higher force to navigate your challenges.

Trust that it is done

Remember, it’s important not to constantly worry about how things will work out – just trust that by giving the problem to God, everything will fall into place. This trust can alleviate stress and allow you to approach situations with a clearer mind. But remember to continue moving forward as usual but give the worry to God. This is taking action so God can work through you. Example: Apply for a new job or position.


negative situations

So next time you find yourself overwhelmed by a problem, take a moment to shift your focus and hand it over to your Higher Power. Be grateful for the guidance you’re receiving, trust the process, and watch as unexpected solutions and miracles unfold in your life. This technique can be transformative, helping you to see situations from a new perspective and enabling you to act with confidence and calm.


Final words

Trust me, this simple yet profound approach can transform any situation for the better. Give it a try and see for yourself how it can enhance your life and bring about positive changes!

Follow Author:

law of attraction coachingThis is Eyvette from My World of Metaphyscis. If you want to receive more information whether by blog or vlog don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter below or on the side of this page. If you want to read more about this Law of Attraction Technique, read The Golden Key By Emmit Fox. 

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888 for Manifesting Abundance
888 for Manifesting Abundance

Why 888 for manifestation?

Have you ever heard of the magical angel number 888 and its connection to abundance? In the world of manifestation, certain numbers are believed to hold special power and significance. The number 888 is one such number that is said to be a symbol of abundance and prosperity. By tapping into the energy of 888, you can attract wealth and success into your life. In this blog post, we will explore how you can use the power of 888 to manifest your desires and achieve your goals.

scripting technique

How to start manifesting using 888

To harness the power of 888 for manifesting abundance, all you need is something to write with and something to write on. It could be a piece of paper, parchment paper, or even a bay leaf – whatever you prefer. Start by writing down exactly what it is that you want to manifest in your life. Whether it’s financial abundance, a new job, a loving relationship, or anything else, but be clear about your intentions. For example, if you desire $500,000 for the year 2024, write it out on the paper in a statement like “Thank you God for blessing me with $500,000 to purchase my dream house.

Repeat to reinforce

Next, repeat this statement either once if it’s long or eight times if it’s short . The repetition helps reinforce your intention and sends a powerful message out into the Universe. On the back of the paper or bay leaf, write the number 888 in big numbers. This step is crucial as it connects your intention with the abundant energy represented by the number 888. By combining your desire with this powerful number, you are aligning yourself with abundance and opening yourself up to receive. Each night place it under your pillow while you sleep and/or keep with you during the day to read often. You can read what you wrote or rewrite it for 8 days to ensure it is implanted into your subconscious mind. 


Belief and Gratitude will get you there

Whether you choose to write on paper or a bay leaf doesn’t matter – what matters is your belief in the process and your dedication to manifesting your desires. Visualize yourself already in possession of what you desire as you write out your intentions and connect them with the energy of 888. See 888 imprinted on whatever you are seeing in your mind. Feel gratitude for all that you are attracting into your life and trust that the Universe will deliver what you have asked for at the right time.

Consistency and Trust

As you continue to work with the power of 888 for manifesting abundance, remember that consistency and faith are key ingredients in successful manifestation. Keep revisiting your intentions regularly, reaffirming them with positive energy and belief in their realization. Trust in the process and maintain an attitude of gratitude for all that comes into your life as a result of working with God and this powerful number. Don’t forget to TAKE ACTION. This is crucial so the Universe can work through you as you move towards your dreams. You can read your intent or rewrite it daily for 8 days then let your desire for it GO!

888 manifestation


Harnessing the power of 888 for manifesting abundance can be a transformative practice that aligns you with prosperity and success on a deep level. By incorporating this magical number into your manifestation rituals, you are inviting more abundance into every area of your life. Remember to stay focused on your intentions, remain open to receiving blessings from unexpected sources, take action and trust in divine timing. Embrace the energy of 888 as a beacon from God guiding you towards a future filled with wealth, happiness, and fulfillment.

About the author

I am Eyvette Risher founder of My World of Metaphysics. My desire is to educate as many people that will listen about how ech of us create our lives with the power within. Whether good or bad, we are the creators in all that we experience. Don’t forget to stroll down or go to the side bar to subscribe for more metaphysical, new age posts.

Eyvette from my world of metaphysics
888 portal lion's gate
888 portal lion's gate

888 Portal (Lion's Gate Portal)

The 888 portal 2024, also known as the Lion’s Gate portal, is a powerful cosmic event that holds the potential for manifestation. This portal occurs 8/08/2024 during the Leo zodiac sign, on a Thursday, and during the waxing crescent moon. It is a time to tap into your true self and let go of limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. By using techniques such as mirror work, scripting, and rituals for manifestation, you can harness the energy of this portal to manifest your desires. In this blog post, we will explore what the Lion’s Gate portal stands for and how you can leverage its energy to manifest what you desire.

The Law of Attraction Is Not Working

888 Portal best time for manifestation

1st let me make you aware. The 888 portal is a high energy number of abundance. it is ocurring on a thursday that is in alignment with Jupiter which represents growth and abundance. This day is also occurring during the waxing moon which is a time for growth and expanding what ever you desire to manifest. you see, this is a great time for manifestation and should not be missed. now lets continue.

888 portal

Lion's Gate Portal Release Techniques

The Lion’s Gate portal is all about allowing the power within you to surface and letting your true self shine. During this time, it is important to release any negative beliefs or limitations that may be blocking your path to success.

One powerful technique for releasing these limiting beliefs is mirror work. Take some time to look at yourself in the mirror and affirm positive statements about yourself. By doing this regularly during the Lion’s Gate portal, you can start to shift your mindset and open the portal to align with abundance.

Another effective technique for clearing out negativity during the Lion’s Gate portal is scripting. Write down any thoughts or feelings that no longer serve you on a piece of paper, then burn it or dispose of it in a way that feels right to you. This symbolic act can help you release old patterns and make space for new opportunities to come into your life.

888 Lion's Gate Portal Manifestation Rituals

Once you have cleared out negative energy during the Lion’s Gate portal, it is time to focus on manifesting your desires. You can use techniques such as scripting (but this time focusing on what you want to attract into your life), visualization, affirmations, or rituals like burning a bay leaf with your intentions written on it. The key is to tap into the high-vibrational energy of the Lion’s Gate portal and set clear intentions for what you want to manifest.

write 7 times and put under pillow

Remember it’s about engaging in rituals for manifestation after you have cleared what you no longer want in your life. These are the things that limit your success, that must be acknowledged and removed. Speak your truth by saying ” I am a Creator”. ” I amd the next  Millionaire”. See yourself having it and move forward taking action knowing it is already done. 

Extra Support

If you feel like you need additional support or guidance during this time, consider seeking private coaching from a metaphysical practitioner who specializes in manifestation techniques and offer personalized coaching sessions to help you navigate through the energies of this Lion’s Gate portal and amplify your manifesting power. You can also purchase New Age products from our online shop:


The 888 portal 2024 presents a unique opportunity for those looking to manifest their desires and step into their true power. By letting go of limiting beliefs through mirror work and scripting, you can clear out space for new opportunities to flow into your life. Harnessing techniques like visualization, affirmations, and rituals during this potent period can amplify your manifestations and bring your dreams closer to reality. Remember that during the Lion’s Gate portal, it is essential to be authentic with yourself and trust in the process of co-creating with the Universe. Embrace this cosmic event as a chance to unleash your manifesting power and create a life filled with abundance. 

Sincerely; Eyvette of My World of Metaphysics


Eyvette: Law of Attraction Life Coaching
moon phases for manifestation
moon phases for manifestation

Moon Phases and Manifestation

Are you looking to manifest your dreams and desires but feel like something is missing? Perhaps you’ve tried different techniques and methods without much success, leaving you feeling frustrated and defeated. Well, have you considered tapping into the power of moon phases for manifestation? This may sound like a mystical concept reserved only for spiritualists or new age believers, but the truth is that anyone can harness the energy of the moon phases to create positive changes in their life.

In this post, we’ll explore the connection between moon phases and manifestation, how it works, and practical tips on how to utilize this powerful tool in your own life. So get ready to unlock a whole new level of manifestation by harnessing the power of our closest celestial neighbor – the Moon.

moon phases

Moon Phases

1st let’s discuss the main 6 of 8 moon phases. The cycle begins with the New Moon, when the moon is not visible from Earth. This is followed by the Waxing Crescent, where a sliver of the moon starts to become visible. Next is the Waxing Gibbous, during which more than half of the moon’s face is illuminated. The Full Moon follows, showcasing the moon in its brightest and most vibrant state. After that, we enter the Waning Gibbous phase, as the light begins to decrease. Finally, the cycle ends with the Waning Crescent, where only a small crescent of the moon remains visible before returning to the New Moon. Each phase has its unique beauty and significance and lasting 29.5 days!

So how can the moon help you manifest and shift your life in a new direction? Let’s explore the power of each lunar phase.

new moon

New Moon

Harness the energy of the New Moon to set your intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. This is the perfect time to reflect on what you truly desire in your life—be it career advancements, relationships, or personal growth. Write down your goals and visualize them vividly as though they are already in your reality. This is planting the seeds for manifestation.

Waxing Moon

As the moon waxes, its energy encourages growth and expansion. Use this time to engage in creative projects or start new ventures. Whether you’re writing, painting, or launching a business, the waxing phase supports the blossoming of your ideas. This is the phase when you take action, like watering your seeds. 

waxing cresent

Waxing Cresent Moon

Following the New Moon, the Crescent Moon is part of the waxing moon phase and invites you to take those initial steps toward your goals. It’s about harnessing the budding energy within you to set things in motion. This phase is all about optimism and potential—so don’t hold back! Embrace this time by pursuing opportunities that sync with your intentions. Explore new ideas, embark on small projects, and let your enthusiasm shine bright as you move forward. Remember the Universe wants to support you.

waxing gibbous moon

Waxing Gibbous Moon

The period leading up to the Full Moon, is the the Waxing Gibbous phase, it is an exhilarating time for refining your goals. As the moon’s illumination increases, so does the energy available for manifestation. This is a perfect moment to evaluate the intentions you set during the New Moon. Consider adjusting and fine-tuning your goals based on the insights you’ve gained so far. Embrace this growth phase by taking action—whether that’s networking, learning new skills, or deepening your understanding of youself.

full moon

The Full Moon

The full moon is a powerful time for gratitude and release. Take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments and experiences you’ve had since the last New Moon. Write down what you are thankful for, and consider what no longer serves you. This is also an ideal moment to release those negative energies or limiting beliefs, clearing the way for new opportunities. This is equivalent to the harvest season, when you reap the benefits of the work you completed.


Waning Moon Phase

During the waning phase, focus on self-reflection and inner growth. This is a great time to assess your progress towards the intentions you set during the New Moon. Journal about what worked, what didn’t, and the lessons learned, allowing the moon’s energy to guide you towards personal clarity and insight.

waning gibbous moon

Waning Gibbous Moon

As you transition into the Waning Gibbous phase, it’s time to pause and reflect on your journey. This phase urges you to acknowledge how far you’ve come since the Full Moon. Spend this time journaling about the outcomes of the actions you took and expressing gratitude for the progress you’ve made. It’s also a good opportunity to let go of anything that didn’t go as planned. Release those feelings and thoughts that no longer contribute to your path, making space for new insights.

waing cresent moon

Waning Cresent Moon

Finally, the Waning Crescent Moon invites you to embrace rest and introspection. As the moon’s light diminishes, it serves as a reminder to slow down and recharge. Use this phase to contemplate your experiences, meditate, and prepare for the upcoming New Moon cycle. This is a sacred time for nurturing yourself, allowing for emotional and spiritual renewal. Reflect on your intentions without pressure, giving yourself the grace to just be as you prepare to set new intentions with the next New Moon.


So by harnessing the energy of the moon phases for manifestation, it can bring about the changes you need in life. Know that you’re not alone on this journey – the Universe has your back, with the loving guidance of the moon by your side. Embrace this power and get ready for the exciting new transformation ahead!

law of attraction coaching

Eyvette Risher is a Metaphysical Life Coach teaching Spiritualism, New Thought and New Age topics for many years. Don’t forget to subscribe to her email to receive the latest post and discounts for coaching, tarot readings and new age products.

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unlesh the power of color for manifestation
unlesh the power of color for manifestation

Unleash the Power of Color for Manifestation

Have you ever thought about the power that colors hold in manifestation? Each color carries its own unique energy and can be used to enhance your intentions and desires. By understanding the meanings behind different colors, you can effectively harness their power to attract love, abundance, success, and more into your life. In this blog post, we will explore the significance of various colors in manifestation and how you can incorporate them into your spiritual practice.



Let’s start with red, a color often associated with passion and love. Red is fiery and intense, making it perfect for attracting romantic relationships or igniting your creative spark. Lighting a red candle during meditation or wearing red clothing can help amplify feelings of love and desire in your life.



Green is another powerful color for manifestation, representing love and abundance. Surrounding yourself with green plants or wearing green jewelry can attract prosperity and harmonious relationships into your life. Pink is also associated with love and compassion, making it a wonderful choice for attracting loving relationships into your life.



Moving on to blue, this calming color is linked to communication and healing. Blue candles or crystals can enhance your ability to express yourself clearly while promoting physical and emotional well-being.


If you’re seeking success in business or personal endeavors, consider incorporating orange into your manifestation practice. Orange is associated with creativity and confidence, making it an ideal choice for enhancing motivation and ambition. Yellow is linked to intuition and creativity, making it perfect for artists or those seeking inspiration in their work.


Brown is a grounding color that represents material things such as stability and security. Using brown candles or crystals can help manifest physical comfort or financial abundance. Gold is another color associated with material wealth like money or success in business ventures.



Purple holds spiritual significance as a color representing enlightenment and higher consciousness. Using purple candles or crystals can deepen your spiritual practice while connecting you to divine guidance.



Next, we have black, a color known for its protective qualities and ability to release negative energy. Incorporating black crystals like obsidian or wearing black clothing can help shield you from harmful energies while promoting emotional healing.



Lastly, white is considered a universal color that contains all other colors within it. White candles are often used for purification rituals while white clothing symbolizes purity and clarity of intention. White can also substitute for any color as long as it is programmed to do so.


By incorporating these colors into your manifestation practice, you can amplify the power of your intentions while aligning yourself with the energies needed to bring them into reality. Whether through candles, clothing, crystals, or visualization techniques, each color holds its own unique vibration that can support you on your journey towards manifesting your dreams. Experiment with different colors based on your intentions and see how they enhance your manifestations in magical ways.

law of attraction blog

Eyvette Risher Life Coach

Eyvette is the creator of My World of Metaphysics. She is also the publisher of various journals and has a large following on many social media platforms like YouTube and Instragram.

9 CLEAR Signs Your LOVED ONES Are Still With You FROM BEYOND
9 CLEAR Signs Your LOVED ONES Are Still With You FROM BEYOND


Hey there, it’s Eyvette from the My World of Metaphysics! Today, I’ve got some insightful spiritual lessons to share with you. Let’s talk about how you can tell if your departed loved ones are still by your side. Loss is something we all go through, and it’s natural to wonder if there’s life after death. Well, I’ve got nine signs that can help you recognize their presence. Make sure to read till the end for some extra bonuses to aid you in connecting with your spiritual loved ones. Let’s dive in!

deceased loved one

I recently went through a tough loss in my family, but I’ve learned that even though their physical presence is gone, their spirit remains. You see I sence them near me. It’s painful because they are no longer with me in the physical, but I have some relief because they are OK and I know life continues after the physical. So let’s start with the signs the deceased is still with you.

9 signs your deceased loved on is with you

Angel Numbers

My 1st is Angel Numbers – those special numbers that seem to pop up at just the right moment. Whether it’s 3:33 or 4:44, these numbers are messages from your angels and loved ones saying, “I’m here for you.” Maybe you’ll see 555, a sign of support during times of change. Or perhaps 222, a gentle nudge to have faith and move forward.

And who knows, maybe you’ll even start noticing their favorite number showing up. It’s all part of the beautiful signs that your deceased loved one is still by your side.

Sensing Their Presence

Have you ever walked into a room and felt like someone was there with you? Or sat in the car and sensed your mother or father’s presence? These moments are not to be overlooked – they are signs that your deceased loved ones are with you. By acknowledging these feelings, you open yourself up to more powerful connections with them. Don’t ignore these signals from beyond, embrace them and feel the love and comfort of those who have passed on.

deceased loved one

Feeling Their Touch

Have you ever had the experience of waking up in the middle of the night and feeling like someone touched you or your bed? This could be a sign that your deceased loved one is with you at that moment. Take a moment to acknowledge their presence, say “I know you’re with me, I love you,” and listen for any messages they may have for you during this time. Pay attention to angel numbers, feelings of touch, and their presence, as these signs often occur together when we least expect.

deceased loved one

A Smell From Nowhere

Another way to sense your deceased loved one is through their unique smell. Whether it’s the scent of a cigar, cigarette, perfume, or their favorite food like lasagna, catching a whiff can be a sign that they’re still with you. I personally experienced this after my dog passed away; waking up to the familiar smell of his hair brought me comfort. So if you suddenly smell something out of the blue that reminds you of them, take it as a comforting sign that they are indeed by your side.

deceased loved one with you

Seeing Them

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and seen a shadowy figure in the corner of your room? That could be a sign that your deceased loved one is trying to communicate with you. Don’t be afraid, it’s just their energy reaching out to you. By opening up your sixth sense and looking beyond our usual physical senses, you may be able to connect with them on a different level. Trust your instincts and embrace this unique form of communication with your departed loved ones.

Hearing Them

Have you ever heard a distinct voice that startles you, especially when you’re about to wake up or in a quiet moment? It could be the voice of a deceased loved one saying hello or hi. This is a sign that they are with you, even if it’s just a simple word like your name. Pay attention to these moments – they might be a way for your loved ones to reach out and let you know they are watching over you.

Electrical Issues

Have you ever experienced random electrical issues like flickering lights, a computer cutting off and on, or a TV shutting down unexpectedly? These occurrences could be more than just technical glitches – they might be signs that your departed loved one is trying to communicate with you. Pay attention to these subtle messages from beyond the veil.

Beautiful Birds and Insects

Number eight is a significant one – seeing insects and birds after the passing of a loved one. Many people find comfort in spotting butterflies or birds with red, orange, and other beautiful colors. These sightings are not just mere coincidences; they are signs from your deceased loved ones, letting you know they are with you in spirit. Pay attention to these moments as they offer messages and bring comfort that your loved ones are at peace on the other side. Next time you see a butterfly fluttering around or a bird watching over you, remember it’s more than just nature – it’s a sign from those who have passed on.

Receiving Subtle Messages

Have you ever experienced a moment where you feel like your deceased loved one is sending you a message? It’s those subtle signs that often go unnoticed. Like when you hear their favorite song in the car, see their favorite movie on TV, find coins on the ground, or discover messages saying “I love you” left on your car. These are all ways our departed loved ones communicate with us to let us know they are okay and still by our side.

Here's Some More

Now, I just shared with you nine signs to look out for when you think your deceased loved one is with you. But wait, there’s more! Let me give you a couple of extra tips to make sure you don’t miss any of these special messages.

deceased loved one with you

Children and Pets Know 1st

Did you know that children and animals are more likely to sense the presence of your deceased loved ones before you do? It’s true! They are more open and receptive to these spiritual connections. Pay attention to their behavior – if your dog suddenly goes to a specific spot or your child mentions seeing Grandma, don’t ignore it. They may be picking up on something you haven’t noticed yet. It’s amazing how intuitive they can be, so let them guide you in recognizing these signs.

Finding Lost Items

Have you ever lost something only to have it mysteriously reappear after a significant event, like the passing of a loved one? Similarly, finding items linked to your deceased loved ones can be another indication of their presence in your life.

Things Fall Into Place!

There are times when things unexpectedly start falling into place after a period of chaos after a loss, it could be a clear signal that your departed loved ones are guiding you from beyond. Trust in these signs and know that they are always with you.


So I just gave you 9 signs your Deceased Loved One is with you and some extra bonuses. These signs are like little messages saying “I love you, I’m watching over you, and I’m here for you.” Pay attention to these signs, like a gentle reminder that your loved one is still by your side, even if not physically. Trust me, once you start noticing these signs, you’ll feel their presence more than ever.


This is Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics. Thank you joining me on this journey. Look out for the next post for Metaphysical, Spiritual Information to change your life. Blessings and Namaste!


Cinnamon and Sea Salt Hand Wash

Hey everyone, it’s Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics, and I’m excited to share a simple ritual with you today that can bring money abundance into your home using sea salt and cinnamon.

I’m known as the Cinnamon Queen when it comes to rituals, so let me show you how combining cinnamon and sea salt can usher in abundance. But before you dive in, understand the power behind this practice.

How Does It Work?

Cinnamon attracts abundance, whether it’s money or opportunities, while sea salt clears out negativity. By combining the two using the Feng Shui method, you can cleanse your energy around money and abunance and invite prosperity into your life.


At the beginning of each month or any time you desire more money or abundance, consider washing your hands with sea salt a day or two before washing your hands with cinnamon. This simple act sets your intent for banishing negativity while welcoming in abundance. You can also wash your hands with sea salt right before washing it with Cinnamon the same day. Whatever makes it easier for you. Some prefer to do it the same day.

Here's a tip for you

Remember to set your intentions as you wash your hands – whether it’s for money, opportunities or both.

While washing your hands with the seas salt state that you are cleansing away negativity around you and money. Then state an intent for attracting money while washing your hands with the cinnamon.

Here's an example of setting your intent

washing hands

“As I wash my hands with Sea Salt I am cleansing away any negativity bewteen me, money or abundance. “

“As I wash my hands with cinnamon I am setting the intent to bless my life with abundance in expected and unexpected ways for the good of everyone involved.

Try to do this ritual for atleast 1 minute to really impregnant it into your subconscious mind for manifestation. 

When can I do this ritual?

This ritual can be done on days for money and abundance manifestation like Thursdays and Sundays, or Saturdays the day we release negative energies that may be around us. My best day to do this is at the beginning of the month or the 1st day of the month. Remember you can do this at any time but these are powerful days of money manifestation. 

washing hands


So completing a cinnamon and sea salt hand wash at the beginning of the month is one powerful way to manifest abundance in your life. Remember to set the intent while doing it and take action so the Universe can work through you to bring about your desires.

So why not give it a try and remember it’s your belief that will get you there! Blessings to you all! Eyvette

how I manifested 22000 using mirror work
how I manifested $22000 using mirror work

Why this mirror work article different?

Hey there! Let’s chat about how I use mirror work to manifest money. Now, you might be thinking, “Eyvette, there are tons of information about manifesting money and mirror work – what makes yours stand out?” Well, here’s the deal: I keep it real and help folks like you achieve their dreams and live their best lives.

So hang tight, let me tell you. In one of my older YouTube videos, I revealed something big – like receiving a $22,000 check. Yup, you heard that right! But how did this unexpected windfall happen?

How it happen?

It all started with some self-reflection and MIRROR WORK (based on Louise Hay “Mirror Work” book). I realized that sometimes we all feel like something is missing or blocking us from our goals. So, I dove into mirror work, talking to myself in the mirror each day with statements of self-love, deservingness and release of the past.

louise hay mirror work

Then What Happened and what did you do?

And guess what? Within weeks, I received a $22k check out of the blue. It wasn’t a mistake or extra service payment – it was unexpected retro pay. The key to this manifestation was self-reflection and aligning with abundance through daily mirror work and release.

Now you’re probably wondering what I exactly did to open the doors to receiving this money. Well, let me break it down for you. First and foremost, I didn’t know or expected to receive money. I just knew I was feeling stuck and needed to release and let go so I could move on in life. I focused on releasing any negative thoughts or beliefs about person or situation in my life (including me).

The secret to mirror work

But the most important thing I did was practice gratitude every single day. I expressed gratitude for what I had, even if it wasn’t much at the time. I forgave myself for anything that was not in alignment with who I am including any mistakes I may have made in the past. I also forgave others that I thought wronged me, because everything starts from within and I realized that I attracted the situation someway, somehow.

Every morning or night before bed I looked in my eyes in the mirror and spoke to my higher self the true me. I stated that “I release and set us free from my mistakes that lead to anything negative I was experiencing”. I said I was sorry and it was time to move on. Before I knew it, I received a check for $22,000 in the mail a few days later. It was unexpected and I was grateful because I knew it was being held off until I released the barrior that was holding my good from me and that was forgiveness and release.


mirror work

As a friendly reminder, you deserve all the good things life has in store for you. Take a moment to express gratitude and let go of any negativity. Look yourself in the eyes and release any baggage weighing you down. Get ready to witness amazing things happen! By releasing what no longer serves you in the mirror, you create space for abundance to flow into your life. Whether it’s financial gain, career success, improved health, or whatever else you’ve been wishing for, trust that it’s on its way. Thank yourself and the Universe for always having your back and enjoy life.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. You will thank me one day as the doors open for you using this technique. Blessings to you and Namaste. Eyvette of My World of Metaphysics

law of attraction coaching