How To Manifest Money
How to Manifest Money
Your probably wanting to know how to manifest money and if it can really be done. Many people are saying, that Law of Attraction stuff is just a big joke. I am here to say you can manifest what ever you want and I’m going to list some of the ways here in this Law of Attraction blog post.
How Do Manifesting Work?
We are all part of one source and that source is God also know as the Infinite Intelligence, the Supreme Being and other names, but there is only one source. There is nothing outside of this source and we are in, surrounded and created from it. Within this is also everything that ever was, is and will ever be created. Everything have a vibration including and this is what determines what we create in our lives (similar to a human magnet). What we attract to us can be in the form of material things, conditions, experiences in our lives but all based on vibration.
So What Do This All Mean?
Money is vibration and is the basis of how to manifest money. If you feel like you have money and vibrate that out to the Universe, you will have money. If you think your broke or only the rich get money then you will repel money from you. This is the truth for all that you desire and change your life if you master it. So here are some tips.
 How To manifest Money:Â
1. Change the way you think about money 
You can use Affirmations to assist in changing your belief about money.
- 1. I have enough money to live in abundance.
2. I have enough to live, spend, save and help others easily
3. Thank you God for my bank account filled with money.
2. Love your Money (Respect it) Â 
I know your probably say ” The love of money is the root of evil”. Well remember money is vibration and by speaking against it or not respecting it will lead to it being taken away from you.
Matthew 13:12 ” For whosoever hath, to him shall be given, and he shall have more abundance: But whosoever hath not, from him shall be taken away even that he hath.”
3. Don’t be afraid to give (Money must be circulated)Â 
Don’t be afraid to give. By giving you show faith that the Infinite Intelligence will always provide for you. This is the whole purpose behind tithing. What you hold on to can not grow and you may even loose what you have. “You must circulate it” as Reverend Ike would say. What goes out will return multiplied.
4. Feel and believe you are abundant 
By feeling like you are abundant money will be attracted to you. Have you ever known people that just had good luck in certain things like gambling, finding money, getting jobs, winning contest. These people just seem to have a horse shoe over their heads. Well they do not, but they do have a vibrational frequency match to what they are attracting. Have you ever wanted something and it seem like you would never get it or that it was taking too long then once you got it the doors just opened up and you got more. Like a job offer. You needed a job and once you got it, you received other offering. It’s because once you received it, you then believed it was possible and caused a shift in your vibration which lead to more being given. You must believe you are abundant and then you will be.
My Personal Techniques On How To Manifest Money:
- Place play money (real appearance) around your home and in your wallet to feel wealthy.
- Smell your money                                                              Â
- Keep your money clean (respect it)
- Place a large bill in your wallet to feel and know you have money
- Always keep your money organized in your wallet. Don’t just shove it in your purse.
- Write your own affirmations for money and read it 3 x daily
- Write yourself a check for the amount you want and place it in your wallet until it manifest
- Spiritual Mind Treatments (Will discuss at another time) form of affirmative prayer.
- Release the outcome (very important). Worry is a form of doubt and can attract the opposite of your desire.
So I hope this helps you for now. How to manifest money is a big topic. By following and putting to use what is written here, you will be ahead of the others and on your way to manifesting your desires. Please see visit my YouTube channel to see more on how to manifest money and other things you desire and please feel free to watch the video below on manifesting money. This is Eyvette from my World of Metaphysics. Namaste!
YouTube Channel: My World of Metaphysics:Â
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You Tube: How to Manifest Money
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