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Harness the Power of Moon Phases for Manifestation

moon phases for manifestation

Moon Phases and Manifestation

Are you looking to manifest your dreams and desires but feel like something is missing? Perhaps you’ve tried different techniques and methods without much success, leaving you feeling frustrated and defeated. Well, have you considered tapping into the power of moon phases for manifestation? This may sound like a mystical concept reserved only for spiritualists or new age believers, but the truth is that anyone can harness the energy of the moon phases to create positive changes in their life.

In this post, we’ll explore the connection between moon phases and manifestation, how it works, and practical tips on how to utilize this powerful tool in your own life. So get ready to unlock a whole new level of manifestation by harnessing the power of our closest celestial neighbor – the Moon.

moon phases

Moon Phases

1st let’s discuss the main 6 of 8 moon phases. The cycle begins with the New Moon, when the moon is not visible from Earth. This is followed by the Waxing Crescent, where a sliver of the moon starts to become visible. Next is the Waxing Gibbous, during which more than half of the moon’s face is illuminated. The Full Moon follows, showcasing the moon in its brightest and most vibrant state. After that, we enter the Waning Gibbous phase, as the light begins to decrease. Finally, the cycle ends with the Waning Crescent, where only a small crescent of the moon remains visible before returning to the New Moon. Each phase has its unique beauty and significance and lasting 29.5 days!

So how can the moon help you manifest and shift your life in a new direction? Let’s explore the power of each lunar phase.

new moon

New Moon

Harness the energy of the New Moon to set your intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle. This is the perfect time to reflect on what you truly desire in your life—be it career advancements, relationships, or personal growth. Write down your goals and visualize them vividly as though they are already in your reality. This is planting the seeds for manifestation.

Waxing Moon

As the moon waxes, its energy encourages growth and expansion. Use this time to engage in creative projects or start new ventures. Whether you’re writing, painting, or launching a business, the waxing phase supports the blossoming of your ideas. This is the phase when you take action, like watering your seeds. 

waxing cresent

Waxing Cresent Moon

Following the New Moon, the Crescent Moon is part of the waxing moon phase and invites you to take those initial steps toward your goals. It’s about harnessing the budding energy within you to set things in motion. This phase is all about optimism and potential—so don’t hold back! Embrace this time by pursuing opportunities that sync with your intentions. Explore new ideas, embark on small projects, and let your enthusiasm shine bright as you move forward. Remember the Universe wants to support you.

waxing gibbous moon

Waxing Gibbous Moon

The period leading up to the Full Moon, is the the Waxing Gibbous phase, it is an exhilarating time for refining your goals. As the moon’s illumination increases, so does the energy available for manifestation. This is a perfect moment to evaluate the intentions you set during the New Moon. Consider adjusting and fine-tuning your goals based on the insights you’ve gained so far. Embrace this growth phase by taking action—whether that’s networking, learning new skills, or deepening your understanding of youself.

full moon

The Full Moon

The full moon is a powerful time for gratitude and release. Take a moment to reflect on the accomplishments and experiences you’ve had since the last New Moon. Write down what you are thankful for, and consider what no longer serves you. This is also an ideal moment to release those negative energies or limiting beliefs, clearing the way for new opportunities. This is equivalent to the harvest season, when you reap the benefits of the work you completed.


Waning Moon Phase

During the waning phase, focus on self-reflection and inner growth. This is a great time to assess your progress towards the intentions you set during the New Moon. Journal about what worked, what didn’t, and the lessons learned, allowing the moon’s energy to guide you towards personal clarity and insight.

waning gibbous moon

Waning Gibbous Moon

As you transition into the Waning Gibbous phase, it’s time to pause and reflect on your journey. This phase urges you to acknowledge how far you’ve come since the Full Moon. Spend this time journaling about the outcomes of the actions you took and expressing gratitude for the progress you’ve made. It’s also a good opportunity to let go of anything that didn’t go as planned. Release those feelings and thoughts that no longer contribute to your path, making space for new insights.

waing cresent moon

Waning Cresent Moon

Finally, the Waning Crescent Moon invites you to embrace rest and introspection. As the moon’s light diminishes, it serves as a reminder to slow down and recharge. Use this phase to contemplate your experiences, meditate, and prepare for the upcoming New Moon cycle. This is a sacred time for nurturing yourself, allowing for emotional and spiritual renewal. Reflect on your intentions without pressure, giving yourself the grace to just be as you prepare to set new intentions with the next New Moon.


So by harnessing the energy of the moon phases for manifestation, it can bring about the changes you need in life. Know that you’re not alone on this journey – the Universe has your back, with the loving guidance of the moon by your side. Embrace this power and get ready for the exciting new transformation ahead!

law of attraction coaching

Eyvette Risher is a Metaphysical Life Coach teaching Spiritualism, New Thought and New Age topics for many years. Don’t forget to subscribe to her email to receive the latest post and discounts for coaching, tarot readings and new age products.

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