Get Rid Of Negative People: Freezing Technique
How To Get Rid Of Negative People Using The Freezing Technique is one of many ways to stop a situation or banish someone out of your life. This technique is used when nothing else stops the situation and your just feeling drained. Keep reading to find out more.
Toxic Negative People
Lets face it, I know we like to stay positive and believe the World is full of roses and happiness. But we must admit that everyone is not on the same spiritual level. You may have thought you passed this bullying era after you graduated from high school, just to run into it again in College and the work force. A Different look and name but the same.

Wow! The work force. You would think everyone is mature and has moved on from that, but now your encountering a different type of negativity. The toxic one! Is it the way you look, your nationality, religion, sexual preference or maybe just your smile. They’re just waiting to take the attention off of themselves and place it on you.
Spiritual Reason Your Encountering These Situations
Lets be honest. Every experience you’re having in your life was created by you. It is part of the Universal laws. We attract what we believe and harbor inside. Like Above, So Below and Like Within, So Without. What a true statement that is taken for granted. How do you feel about yourself? Do you have a war going on inside of you? How do you feel about the people you work with or your overall job? Be honest and you will have your answer.

How Do You Get Out Of This Situation?
Regardless to what’s going on, you have to protect your peace of mind. I’m going to give you some steps to follow (which includes working on yourself). Remember prayer is still number one (For all involved)
- Be honest about the situation. How did you really attract this situation on a spiritual level. I mean how did you attract this into your life. This is important because you can attract another if it’s not resolved. You must uncover the truth and work on it. Mirror work is the best.
- Now that we have worked on ourselves. Now it’s time for a solution. I’m going to talk about 1 technique (The Freezing technique). This is not something you do daily. It’s that once or twice in a life time thing. It’s that secret technique you have in your bag to solve this very problem. Everything starts 1st by working on yourself, avoiding contact, staying positive and not increasing the negativity by adding fuel to the situation. But after all is done, here’s one technique that you can useto get rid of negative people .
- Lets start with the supplies:
- Blue Dye
- White paper (Best parchment pape)
- Blue pen or Pencil
- Florida Water ( Optional)
- Water (1 cup)
- Freezer
- Mason Jar (small)
What are you going to do?
- Cleanse your hands (water or florida water)
- Write the person or people name on the paper. If you don’t know it, write the situation.
- Turn the paper and write across it (leave me alone, shut up, stop harassing me etc.) Use your emotions and words. In other words, state what you would like to stop.
- Fold the paper inwards so the writting is inside. (2 or 3 x’s)
- Bless your water by holding it in between your hands and praying over it. State what you would like to stop. Remember put your emotions in it. You can rub your hands together to build up energy. Then surround the jar with your hands and state what you want.
- Place the paer in the jar.
- Pour the water in the jar to cover the paper (1/2 or 3/4 of the way)
- Pour a few drops of blue dye into the jar (turning the water dark blue)
- Place it in a plastic bag (tie it in a knot)
- Place in the freezer in the back out of sight.
- Leave it there until the situation resolves.
Additional Tips
- You can do this without the dye. The dye adds extra calming of the situation
- Place your emotions in the water and while writing. If this situation calls for this technique, you should have no problems building emotions.
- Place the jar in a plastic bag before placing it in the freezer (just in case it cracks)
- Throw it out when the problem is resolved.
- Don’t look at it. leave it in the bag and let by gones be by gones.
- Throw it out away from the home. Don’t look back just walk away.

Science behind the tools used
- The water is the emotions that connect the situation to you
- The blue dye calms the situation down
- The freezing of the jar stops the stiuation in its tracks (what’s on the paper and the emotions in the water.)
- Cleansing the hands is to remove all negative imprints before starting.
Remeber this technique is for the out of control situations. When you feel sick to your stomache, don’t want to go to work etc. It’s not for everyday problems. We are here to learn, so you can develop coping skills and increase your spiritual level.
Finally: This technique may not get rid of negative people from your life. It may just calm the situation down or turn it around for the good.
Remember never wish harm or ill on anyone. Send them blessings no matter what the situation is. They are lost and also have to find their way. You never know what’s going on with someone until you walk in their shoes. Always send blessings.
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What can I use to replace a freezer. Here in my country it’s expensive to get one and we barely get electricity. I wait for a prompt reply ma’
Anything you have that freezes. Once frozen leave it alone until the problem is gone.Then throw it out without looking at it.
It has to be frozen. That’s the way it work.