

BLOW CINNAMON IN DOOR 1st Day Of Month Money Manifestation

CINNAMON RITUAL: Blow Cinnamon 1st Day of the Month


Hello and welcome to My World of Metaphysics. Today, I want to talk to you about a simple yet powerful technique that can help you usher in abundance and attract money into your life. It’s called the Cinnamon Technique, and if you’ve been curious about the BLOW CINNAMON 1ST DAY OF MONTH ritual, you’re in the right place.

For those who may be new to MY WORLD OF METAPHYSICS this is a Metaphysical Law of Attraction Life Coaching website that provides manifesting techniques and rituals in various forms. So, let’s dive right into the cinnamon technique.


Cinnamon Technique:

The cinnamon technique is a simple and easy way to bring abundance and prosperity into your life. All you need is some cinnamon, which you probably already have in your kitchen cabinet. On the first day of the month, take a pinch of cinnamon and blow it into your home through the front door. You will need to do this outside facing towards your open door. Important! You need to set the intention while doing so with an affirmation or statement like:

As I blow this cinnamon in my home, large sums of money comes to me now! As I blow this cinnamon in my home, money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways for the good of all! ” That’s it! It’s that simple.


After blowing the small amount of cinnamon in your home, leave it there for a day or two then sweep it up. I use such a small amount that I just leave it there and it goes unnoticed.

Now, some of you may be wondering why cinnamon is used for this technique. Cinnamon is believed to have powerful metaphysical properties that are associated with prosperity, abundance, and success. By blowing cinnamon into your home, you are inviting these energies into your life and attracting them towards you.

It’s important to note that you can do this technique at any time of the day, but it’s best to do it early in the morning when the energies of the day are fresh. If you forget to do it on the first day of the month, no worries. You can do it on the second or third day as well.

Many people who have tried this technique have reported positive results. They have noticed an increase in their financial abundance, job opportunities, and overall success. However, it’s important to note that this technique is not a magic wand. It requires consistent effort and positive thinking to manifest the desired results.


The cinnamon technique is a simple and effective way to invite abundance and prosperity into your life. By blowing cinnamon into your home on the first day of the month, you are opening the doors to success and attracting positive energies towards you. Remember, this technique requires consistent effort and positive thinking to manifest the desired results. Give it a try, and let me know how it works for you. Don’t Forget to Subscribe to our NEWSLETTER! Thank you for reading.