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9 CLEAR Signs Your LOVED ONES Are Still With You FROM BEYOND


Hey there, it’s Eyvette from the My World of Metaphysics! Today, I’ve got some insightful spiritual lessons to share with you. Let’s talk about how you can tell if your departed loved ones are still by your side. Loss is something we all go through, and it’s natural to wonder if there’s life after death. Well, I’ve got nine signs that can help you recognize their presence. Make sure to read till the end for some extra bonuses to aid you in connecting with your spiritual loved ones. Let’s dive in!

deceased loved one

I recently went through a tough loss in my family, but I’ve learned that even though their physical presence is gone, their spirit remains. You see I sence them near me. It’s painful because they are no longer with me in the physical, but I have some relief because they are OK and I know life continues after the physical. So let’s start with the signs the deceased is still with you.

9 signs your deceased loved on is with you

Angel Numbers

My 1st is Angel Numbers – those special numbers that seem to pop up at just the right moment. Whether it’s 3:33 or 4:44, these numbers are messages from your angels and loved ones saying, “I’m here for you.” Maybe you’ll see 555, a sign of support during times of change. Or perhaps 222, a gentle nudge to have faith and move forward.

And who knows, maybe you’ll even start noticing their favorite number showing up. It’s all part of the beautiful signs that your deceased loved one is still by your side.

Sensing Their Presence

Have you ever walked into a room and felt like someone was there with you? Or sat in the car and sensed your mother or father’s presence? These moments are not to be overlooked – they are signs that your deceased loved ones are with you. By acknowledging these feelings, you open yourself up to more powerful connections with them. Don’t ignore these signals from beyond, embrace them and feel the love and comfort of those who have passed on.

deceased loved one

Feeling Their Touch

Have you ever had the experience of waking up in the middle of the night and feeling like someone touched you or your bed? This could be a sign that your deceased loved one is with you at that moment. Take a moment to acknowledge their presence, say “I know you’re with me, I love you,” and listen for any messages they may have for you during this time. Pay attention to angel numbers, feelings of touch, and their presence, as these signs often occur together when we least expect.

deceased loved one

A Smell From Nowhere

Another way to sense your deceased loved one is through their unique smell. Whether it’s the scent of a cigar, cigarette, perfume, or their favorite food like lasagna, catching a whiff can be a sign that they’re still with you. I personally experienced this after my dog passed away; waking up to the familiar smell of his hair brought me comfort. So if you suddenly smell something out of the blue that reminds you of them, take it as a comforting sign that they are indeed by your side.

deceased loved one with you

Seeing Them

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and seen a shadowy figure in the corner of your room? That could be a sign that your deceased loved one is trying to communicate with you. Don’t be afraid, it’s just their energy reaching out to you. By opening up your sixth sense and looking beyond our usual physical senses, you may be able to connect with them on a different level. Trust your instincts and embrace this unique form of communication with your departed loved ones.

Hearing Them

Have you ever heard a distinct voice that startles you, especially when you’re about to wake up or in a quiet moment? It could be the voice of a deceased loved one saying hello or hi. This is a sign that they are with you, even if it’s just a simple word like your name. Pay attention to these moments – they might be a way for your loved ones to reach out and let you know they are watching over you.

Electrical Issues

Have you ever experienced random electrical issues like flickering lights, a computer cutting off and on, or a TV shutting down unexpectedly? These occurrences could be more than just technical glitches – they might be signs that your departed loved one is trying to communicate with you. Pay attention to these subtle messages from beyond the veil.

Beautiful Birds and Insects

Number eight is a significant one – seeing insects and birds after the passing of a loved one. Many people find comfort in spotting butterflies or birds with red, orange, and other beautiful colors. These sightings are not just mere coincidences; they are signs from your deceased loved ones, letting you know they are with you in spirit. Pay attention to these moments as they offer messages and bring comfort that your loved ones are at peace on the other side. Next time you see a butterfly fluttering around or a bird watching over you, remember it’s more than just nature – it’s a sign from those who have passed on.

Receiving Subtle Messages

Have you ever experienced a moment where you feel like your deceased loved one is sending you a message? It’s those subtle signs that often go unnoticed. Like when you hear their favorite song in the car, see their favorite movie on TV, find coins on the ground, or discover messages saying “I love you” left on your car. These are all ways our departed loved ones communicate with us to let us know they are okay and still by our side.

Here's Some More

Now, I just shared with you nine signs to look out for when you think your deceased loved one is with you. But wait, there’s more! Let me give you a couple of extra tips to make sure you don’t miss any of these special messages.

deceased loved one with you

Children and Pets Know 1st

Did you know that children and animals are more likely to sense the presence of your deceased loved ones before you do? It’s true! They are more open and receptive to these spiritual connections. Pay attention to their behavior – if your dog suddenly goes to a specific spot or your child mentions seeing Grandma, don’t ignore it. They may be picking up on something you haven’t noticed yet. It’s amazing how intuitive they can be, so let them guide you in recognizing these signs.

Finding Lost Items

Have you ever lost something only to have it mysteriously reappear after a significant event, like the passing of a loved one? Similarly, finding items linked to your deceased loved ones can be another indication of their presence in your life.

Things Fall Into Place!

There are times when things unexpectedly start falling into place after a period of chaos after a loss, it could be a clear signal that your departed loved ones are guiding you from beyond. Trust in these signs and know that they are always with you.


So I just gave you 9 signs your Deceased Loved One is with you and some extra bonuses. These signs are like little messages saying “I love you, I’m watching over you, and I’m here for you.” Pay attention to these signs, like a gentle reminder that your loved one is still by your side, even if not physically. Trust me, once you start noticing these signs, you’ll feel their presence more than ever.

Eyvette myworldofmetaphysics.com

This is Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics. Thank you joining me on this journey. Look out for the next post for Metaphysical, Spiritual Information to change your life. Blessings and Namaste!