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888 Portal 2024 (Lion’s Gate Portal) Manifestation

888 portal lion's gate

888 Portal (Lion's Gate Portal)

The 888 portal 2024, also known as the Lion’s Gate portal, is a powerful cosmic event that holds the potential for manifestation. This portal occurs 8/08/2024 during the Leo zodiac sign, on a Thursday, and during the waxing crescent moon. It is a time to tap into your true self and let go of limiting beliefs that may be holding you back. By using techniques such as mirror work, scripting, and rituals for manifestation, you can harness the energy of this portal to manifest your desires. In this blog post, we will explore what the Lion’s Gate portal stands for and how you can leverage its energy to manifest what you desire.

The Law of Attraction Is Not Working

888 Portal best time for manifestation

1st let me make you aware. The 888 portal is a high energy number of abundance. it is ocurring on a thursday that is in alignment with Jupiter which represents growth and abundance. This day is also occurring during the waxing moon which is a time for growth and expanding what ever you desire to manifest. you see, this is a great time for manifestation and should not be missed. now lets continue.

888 portal

Lion's Gate Portal Release Techniques

The Lion’s Gate portal is all about allowing the power within you to surface and letting your true self shine. During this time, it is important to release any negative beliefs or limitations that may be blocking your path to success.

One powerful technique for releasing these limiting beliefs is mirror work. Take some time to look at yourself in the mirror and affirm positive statements about yourself. By doing this regularly during the Lion’s Gate portal, you can start to shift your mindset and open the portal to align with abundance.

Another effective technique for clearing out negativity during the Lion’s Gate portal is scripting. Write down any thoughts or feelings that no longer serve you on a piece of paper, then burn it or dispose of it in a way that feels right to you. This symbolic act can help you release old patterns and make space for new opportunities to come into your life.

888 Lion's Gate Portal Manifestation Rituals

Once you have cleared out negative energy during the Lion’s Gate portal, it is time to focus on manifesting your desires. You can use techniques such as scripting (but this time focusing on what you want to attract into your life), visualization, affirmations, or rituals like burning a bay leaf with your intentions written on it. The key is to tap into the high-vibrational energy of the Lion’s Gate portal and set clear intentions for what you want to manifest.

write 7 times and put under pillow

Remember it’s about engaging in rituals for manifestation after you have cleared what you no longer want in your life. These are the things that limit your success, that must be acknowledged and removed. Speak your truth by saying ” I am a Creator”. ” I amd the next  Millionaire”. See yourself having it and move forward taking action knowing it is already done. 

Extra Support

If you feel like you need additional support or guidance during this time, consider seeking private coaching from a metaphysical practitioner who specializes in manifestation techniques and offer personalized coaching sessions to help you navigate through the energies of this Lion’s Gate portal and amplify your manifesting power. You can also purchase New Age products from our online shop: https://store.myworldofmetaphysics.com.


The 888 portal 2024 presents a unique opportunity for those looking to manifest their desires and step into their true power. By letting go of limiting beliefs through mirror work and scripting, you can clear out space for new opportunities to flow into your life. Harnessing techniques like visualization, affirmations, and rituals during this potent period can amplify your manifestations and bring your dreams closer to reality. Remember that during the Lion’s Gate portal, it is essential to be authentic with yourself and trust in the process of co-creating with the Universe. Embrace this cosmic event as a chance to unleash your manifesting power and create a life filled with abundance. 

Sincerely; Eyvette of My World of Metaphysics


Eyvette: Law of Attraction Life Coaching
2 replies
  1. Hudson Robinson
    Hudson Robinson says:

    My Dear Eyvette,
    Thank you for blessing me and all your followers with your blog about the Lion’s Gate Portal 2024. After reading your powerful message I affirmed that I have broken the chain of generational LIMITING beliefs in my life, and I feel so light that I can soar to the edge of the universe. Be blessed sister and be encouraged by my gratitude for having you in my life helping to guide each step I take.
    Blessings always.


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