
4 Ways To Manifest Real Love

manifest real love

Manifest Love and The Law of Attraction

Hi this is Eyvette from My World of Metaphysics and I want to give you four ways to manifest real love. We’re going to talk about how to manifest love using the Law of Attraction.  It can involve any type of relationship. Just believe, what I have to say will help you manifest real love in many ways.

manifest real love

Let’s make somethings clear before we start. It will take at least 28 days to change your pattern; because it takes 28 days or more to reprogram your subconscious mind to be open to new relationships. This is important because you have to be open and receptive to wanting a new relationship or true love in life.

Be Open For The New

There is no way you’re going to attract a better relationship, if you’re holding on to whatever it is that you don’t want. There’s so many people out there holding on to relationships that should have ended many years ago.  There’s so many out there that won’t let that ex go because they’re afraid of being alone. If you find yourself in this type of situation, then you are not ready for that real love. You’re not ready for the God within, to give you what it is you truly deserve. manifest real love


Know What You Want

Now another thing that I want to bring to your attention. You really have to know what you want. If you don’t know what you want, how in the world are you going to manifest real love! A lot of people don’t even know what they don’t want and this is important. You really need to absolutely know what you don’t want to know what you do want.

Be Happy

The last thing before we discuss the 4 ways to manifest love, that is crucial to manifesting love, is you have to be happy. Yes! There is absolutely no way in this world you’re going to manifest something positive, if you’re unhappy. By staying happy, you are elevating your vibration and meeting other vibrations that match.

Just remember, that real love is on one level. How and when you meet (if at all) will depend on your vibrational level. This is another reason why a lot of people don’t manifest real love in their lives. They are just not on the same frequency of their true love.

crystals to manifest love

Manifest Love Items


The 4 Ways To Manifest Love

Number 1 is the most powerful things you can do for self. Whatever it is you have experienced in life during childhood (starting with your parents) are inside of you, even if you’re not realizing it. Your subconscious mind remembers everything that has hurt you. It knows everything and that seed is planted inside of you.

4 ways to manifest real love

You have to recognize the need to release it and that’s where mirror work comes in hand. Mirror Work is powerful because it allows you to release those experiences that you’ve held on to. Those things become beliefs and attract subconsciously that what is in vibration to it.

Powerful Manifest Love Prayer:

“The God inside of me (my higher self) forgive me for anything that I have done in my past. It’s now time for us to move on and manifest the life that we deserve. I am releasing anything negative I have done or any relationship that wasn’t for our best. I now close the doors of my past and open the doors to my present and my future and so it is!”

*Mirror work is powerful. Just go to that mirror, look in your eyes and pour out your soul. Release it and you leave it there.

Number 2 I speak about this in my coaching sessions. You have to see it, in order to have it. We are talking about Visualization. You have to see yourself with that relationship. You don’t have to have a face on that person unless it is a specific person.  God knows the best person for you. When you put a face on whatever it is you’re trying to manifest, you are actually telling God “I don’t trust you to bring the right person in my life.” I want you to visualize yourself being happy with a person and it should be as real as possible. This is the energy behind the attraction.  4 ways to manifest love

Number 3 is as powerful as visualization and it is Affirmations. Many of you are saying I want a relationship, but the next minute you’re talking about your ex and how bad the relationship was. Remember, whatever you speak, you are actually making an affirmation for your future. So be careful what you say to people, if you want that real relationship. Speak to God and that itself is an affirmation.  4 ways to manifest love

Number 4 is one of those powerful manifestation techniques, Scripting. Write your life into existence. You can write out whatever it is that you want. Don’t write a book, keep it short and just write specifically what it is that you want.   Again, it’s important for you to know what you want and more important to know what you don’t want. So take time and write your life into existence.



Remember, it takes 28 days to reprogram your subconscious mind, so I’m asking you give it at least 30 days. Again, if you’re holding on to something that you know is not going to work, let it go! Only you can make that decision. Most of us have been there in one way or another; However, don’t be one of those people 5 or 10 years from now regretting saying: “I could of had that, if I only had let that go. “


Blessings to you, from Eyvette “My World of Metaphysics.” Namaste!


Eyvette My World of Metaphysics


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